URGENT PLEASE PRAYER.....FOR LUCY - Tonight I received a phone - TopicsExpress


URGENT PLEASE PRAYER.....FOR LUCY - Tonight I received a phone call from my Step Mom Jo. Her sister woke up a little over a week ago unable to move. They transported her to a hospital in Santa Rosa and told her she has a rare condition called Guillain Barre Syndrome, that could take years to recover from. The last time I saw Lucy was in 2001 when I spoke at Harvest Chruch, in Elk Grove (Sacramento) and shared a miracle story about Ray and My Car, prior to introducing Tim Storey, (see note section for testimony) After I was done speaking and before Tim spoke, the church saw a manifestation of a miracle that night when Ray was in the Audience and came up on stage. Lucy came that night to hear the miracle story and meet Ray. While Lucy was just in the hospital she told my step mom, I need Sheri to come here and pray for me, I need a Miracle! First, I want everyone to know that I am not the healer, Jesus is. I am just a vessel and a conduit to be used by him in whatever manner he needs me. I told him in prayer along time ago, that before he sent anyone else on an assignment to send me first. As I hung up the phone with my step mom tonight, I remembered the words Tim Storey once said, I dont want you to look at this with Natural Eyes, you need to see this with Supernatural Eyes. Then I realized, that during the time she was asking me to come to the hospital and pray for her healing, Taylors car got a cracked muffler, her radiator hose got a huge hole and this morning the flip switch to the kill engine unit caught on fire under her dashboard. My step moms sister is not a believer and that last thing the enemy wanted me to do is go to Clearlake, Ca and pray healing over her sister. But I am a prayer warrior and this is not stopping me!!!!!. I got a name of a man in my church that is an auto mechanic and I am going to call him tomorrow. Please stand in agreement with me that he will be able to fix the flip switch and that Taylors car starts and we can drive her car. The little car Im driving wont make it to Clearlake. My God is Faithful and he doesnt want any to perish but all to come to repentance. He healed unbelievers of their illnesses and as a result they believed he was the Son of God and repented of their sin. So I am now even more bound and determined, as I can see through Supernatural Eyes that this was an attack against me,so I could not fulfill Gods plan and purpose so I could pray for Lucy. For we wrestle not with flesh and blood but unseen forces of darkness in the heavenlies. In the Old Testament Daniels pray was delayed 21 days because of a battle in heaven with darkness and this was why his answer was delayed. So please pray for Lucy and for me as well, as I must fulfill this assignment and have a car that will get me there. Thank you for all of you who are prayer warriors. I need you to step up to the plate and intercede along side of me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. We will see the enemy defeated and Jesus will be Glorified. Ive learned the enemy wouldnt be trying so hard to stop me, unless God is getting ready to do something really big in this situation! Thank you again, Blessing Sheri
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 05:18:39 +0000

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