US Consul General and Deputy Mission Director USAID meet - TopicsExpress


US Consul General and Deputy Mission Director USAID meet CM Handout No.1 Peshawar 1st October 2014 The incoming US Consul General Jon F. Danilowiez and USAID Deputy mission Director Gregorey F. Huger alongwith concerned officials called the KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak at CM Secretariat Peshawar and offered him investment and assistance in various sectors including health, education, water supply, sanitation, agriculture and communication in Khyber Pakhunkhwa. They also lauded hosting the millions of IDPs in different parts of the province adding that there is no match in the history of welcoming the migrants in such a large number and hence paid rich tributes to the govt and people of KP on such a spirit of sacrifice and accommodation. The Chief Minister thanked them on encouraging remarks and offers of assistance saying that his govt has managed to accommodate our one million IDPs from NWA and other tribal agencies but we are in-fact anxious about their health especially that of thousands of infants. Hence he said we direly needed help from national and international community due to our meager financial resources. Administrative secretaries and authorities of P&D, Health, Education, IT, C&W, Irrigation, PHE and other departments were also present on this occasion. Chief Minister welcomed the offer of investment and said KP is rich in natural resources and minerals. He said the foreign investors and companies can help us in mission of development by also investing in mines, mineral, tourism, communication and energy sectors. He in response to the aid offers besides the ongoing schemes requested help in rural roads and mega projects like Swat Express Way and Peshawar Mass Transit to which they showed interest and hinted at launching schemes of rural roads. They said USAID is working on 400 megawatt Allai Khwar and Dubair Khwar power stations, 85 megawatt Kurram Tangi Dam, irrigation schemes Gomal zam, Munda and Amandara command areas, construction of Swat University campus as well as improvement of transmission lines of electricity in the province. They specially lauded steps of KP govt for elimination of corruption, reforming the departments and ensuring transparent use of the foreign aid under Strategic Development Strategy Partnership (SPDF) saying that it would greatly help in enhancing local and foreign investment and economic activities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pervez Khattak eulogized role of USAID in launching development schemes in various sectors especially in improving the municipal services. However he while complaining about delay in implementation of development schemes, made clear that if this delay is caused by our departments and institution then it must be pinpointed to settle it for good. The USAID while acknowledging certain unavoidable delay in project implementation, assured immediate steps in this regard. Chief Minister while also welcoming the offers of investment by the US Ambassador in the program of waste to energy and scientific disposal of garbage of Peshawar and some other big cities, said that such measures were also essential in the backdrop that our cities faced shortage of space for dumping grounds to dispose off thousands tons garbage manually. Chief Minister said that his govt was endeavoring to meet each and every election promise made with masses and pursuing the agenda of change in letter and spirit. “We want to give quick and cheap justice to the people and ensure the supremacy of merit and law so that the gap in rich and poor go for good and all get progress equally”, he exclaimed. He said almost all the govt departments were in state of deterioration and its performance had fell to zero when his govt came at helm of affairs but now improvement is visible as we adopted the policy of non interference in public sector institutions besides our drastic measures of reforms, transparency and uprooting the corruption from the officialdom. He said KP police has become best and exemplary police of the world that has ensured peace in the province at the cost of its jawans lives while other departments including health and educational institutions are also going better with passage of every passing day. He said TEVTA has been converted into autonomous technical training body to improve vocational training while SIDB and SDA are merged to best facilitate the promotion of industries in KP. Highways are also being improved while the induction of consultants has reduced the chances of corruption and commission mafia in nation building departments. He said irrigation and agriculture sectors are also being vitalized with awareness of farmers’ community to wisely utilize the available water resources and adopt latest farming techniques. He hoped that friendly countries and donor agencies will keep our strategies and priorities in mind in this regard in order to transfer its benefits directly to the people. The mission assured completing all the ongoing and new schemes as per priorities of the KP govt.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:30:15 +0000

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