US House approves funding for a campaign against Daash 5 - Dec - TopicsExpress


US House approves funding for a campaign against Daash 5 - Dec - 2014 US House of Representatives, on Thursday, approved to finance operations that are performed against the organization of the Islamic State (Daash Isis -), and approved the Syrian opposition training within the project expanded law defense spending worth $ 585 billion. It was the adoption of this procedure in the House of Representatives by a vote of 300 members approved against the rejection of 119 members. Obama had demanded 6.5 billion dollars to combat Isis and the training of the Syrian opposition. Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said: In a dangerous world increasingly as America continues to face growing extremism and instability abroad, the national defense authorization for fiscal year 2015 law that guarantees the American security and provides the necessary resources for a strong defense strong foreign policy . Meanwhile, Isis militants fired at least 35 rounds at close to the border with Turkey Kobanî Syrian city, as announced Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in the early hours of Friday morning. The U.S. has about 1,400 troops in Iraq, most of whom are serving as advisers to Iraqi and Kurdish forces in Baghdad and Erbil. President Barack Obama this month authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 more troops to better advise — and train — Iraqi forces. Republicans such as Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, a Republican from California and the retiring chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, have criticized the commander-in-chief for refusing to deploy combat troops to the region. “How can you successfully execute the mission you’ve been given – to ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ ISIL – when some of your best options are taken off the table?” McKeon asked Hagel during last week’s hearing. “Mr. Secretary, both of your predecessors, Bob Gates and Leon Panetta, have stated that we need boots on the ground if there’s to be any hope of success in the strategy.” Meanwhile , French forces launch a major strike Friday to organize Daash in Iraq According to Defence Minister Jean-Yves Odrian to network FM NTV television that a major raid conducted at this time, refusing to clarify the purpose and the number of French warplanes to participate. In the same context , tribal Albu Nimr Mahmoud Nimrawi, Thursday,announced 16 members killed of Isis including security official of the organization in western Anbar. Adding that among the dead terrorist Abd al-Rahman al-Masri in charge of security for the organization in the region. It is noteworthy that the period witnessed the deaths of many of the leaders and members of prominent Isis in the provinces which has seen military operations against the organization. Sources : AFP dodbuzz/2014/11/17/congress-likely-to-back-war-chest-to-fight-isis/
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:16:45 +0000

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