US Intel: Over 200 Going to Jail Over Sandy Hook False - TopicsExpress


US Intel: Over 200 Going to Jail Over Sandy Hook False Flag! Posted on October 9, 2014 by Dan beforeitsnews/alternative/2014/10/us-intel-over-200-going-to-jail-over-sandy-hook-false-flag-3042102.html Thursday, October 9, 2014 9:03 If you have not heard Veterans Today Radio or listened to some of the archived shows then you are going to now learn why Veterans Today is the number one news website and radio show in the world! They have thousands of Intelligence agents all over the world that give them information and Gordon Duff has more power than you can imagine. Veterans Today IS US Intelligence and they have the full support of our military! Nobody has access to the information they have on everything because just like you see on the TV show “The Blacklist”, Gordon Duff says that the Intelligence club is a very social club. They all talk to each other. Only Veterans Today put out the truth on 9/11 and you can hear their first release on that subject in this video. They put out the truth on Sandy Hoax first too and introduced Wolfgang Halbig to the world on Veterans Today Radio. Veterans Today Radio really blew out the truth about Sandy Hook in this interview! Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer and Preston James go over all the new information they have on Sandy Hook! There have already been murders of 3 witnesses that were going to expose Sandy Hook as a false flag! Preston James says they have already identified over 200 people that have been involved with the planning, execution, financial frauds and coverup of Sandy Hook. Preston James says people ARE going to jail over this! Enjoy the show as Stew Webb, James Fetzer and Preston James give you the most up to date information about Sandy hook in the first hour of this interview. These men have decades of experience in whistleblowing and reporting on the crime syndicate running America! If America can be saved, the men and women behind the scenes of VeteransToday will be the ones doing it. Gordon Duff for President! You’ll want to listen to the second hour too as lots of information you don’t know there too with Jim Dean and Dr. Croft. Spread the information from VeteransToday everywhere! And never trust anybody in alternative media that censors them or won’t respond to you when you ask why they are censoring them! Those that censor VT are working for the ones wanting to put us in FEMA camps and make America into a Gaza II! Read this article and you’ll know who the ones in alternative media censoring VeteransToday work for! “Preventing the Transformation of America into GAZA II” You’ll know more than 99.999% of Americans by reading the above article alone! I want to thank all of you out there that are now spreading the information for VeteransToday. As you know VT stories are literally kryptonite to the evil ones running this planet! Spread it everywhere! Share this story and others through Facebook, Twitter, email lists and all legitimate alternative media that won’t censor VT’s huge stories! VT for Victory! Down with all Hydra alternative media that pretends VT doesn’t exist while they pretend to have your best interest! It’s my opinion that the ones in alternative media censoring the huge stories from VT work for the ones plotting to put you in the FEMA camps! I believe these gatekeepers are there to run out the clock for the New World Order and make sure you don’t learn about the NAMES of those committing the crimes that VT is listing such as when Senator Songstand and Governor Sundquist were caught on tape plotting murder! Hydra alternative media blame everything on the nameless “globlalists” and the mid level Bilderbergers while VT is giving you NAMES! Think about it! What patriot or legitimate alternative media person would censor the first time in history that a Senator and Governor have been caught on tape plotting to murder somebody and talking about $10 billion bribes? That story should have been on every alternative media website in the world but sadly most of the “bigger” names censored it! If that doesn’t show you WHO are the good guys in alternative media and WHO are working for Hydra then you have certainly have taken in too much fluoride! Wake up please and help the good guys get our country back! I invite all of you to simply do me one favor. If you have some “hero” in alternative media that has thus far failed to report on the Songstad Sundquist murder plot then simply contact them and ask them to report it! If they won’t report it or won’t respond to you (most will run from you) then you’ll know they work for Hydra! Very simple and you can verify what I’m telling you for yourself! If they won’t respond to you about the biggest news story in 2014 that would help get our country back then what does that tell you? You guys and gals are smart enough to figure it out! You know censorship is evil and that’s why you don’t believe in the fake news anymore! Don’t get fooled by the slick talkers in alternative media that run away from our patriot heroes at VT! If some of you will ask those in alternative media to report on the Songstad Sundquist muder plot, then please let me know the results of your efforts using the contact information at the top of this article! Who are the cockroaches that run under the refrigerator when you turn on the lights? We shall soon see!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:38:51 +0000

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