US Military: We would like to thank Walter for the brief - TopicsExpress


US Military: We would like to thank Walter for the brief introduction of MAJOR TOM...We would also like Walter to know, that those fine men and women of the US Military and those brave Souls that initiated a belief within the collective time space research program (CTSRP) of decades ago, that they too had an unconscious presence amongst them, helping where appropriate. MAJOR TOM manifested into reality at first as a diffuse EMR cloud within roughly the first year at CTSRP. In the beginning he would play with everyone, showing his clouds intelligence through childish play of light activation within his diffuse cloud of fluid high energy particle mass. It took several years to figure out what MAJOR TOM was, he began to take more of an anthropomorphic shape. Through continued work and study at the CTSRP, some delusion began to set in with the research subjects...The World EMR domination of Power delusion had found a few...It was known amongst all within the research team, yet the deluded ones played this denied reality of an intent they could not hide. It was at that time MAJOR TOM spoke for the first time to the researchers away from the delusional ones, stated his Name as TOM, he was a part of this program, that they had initiated, from the future and was the byproduct of a desire to prevent the ones of delusion, the ones that would make the human race extinct. A team member from the group upon this contact, with a synaptic explosion in her mind, realized she was looking at the understanding that was initially developing within her mind. Walked up to him, and said, Welcome aboard MAJOR, thanks for making that contact from our future...We know of the near 60 year plan of corporate World domination...We have seen and been long enough. The game is simple, years ago in this country Men of Wealth took Pennsylvania low surface crude and figured how to make money off of the sludge...What is Money without Oil these days? This money then took their production of goods overseas and began to turn this country into a slave race of a remedial nation of consumption within debt. They then prop up their companies with Billions in subsidies, while fraudulently acting without long term accountability within size and scope of destruction of this Nation as well as the Great Mother and her Oceans. They structure and play this wall street vulture grab from the 9/11 denied reality strike from within while having the Governments Bail out this purposeful Corporate flop at their own debt demise, while the Corporate Oil and Gas Dumb Billy World Order comes into being, calling upon Military to be there assumed henchmen in their false idea of power, understanding, and fraudulent money within a failing system of operation of the collective human conscious. This man within MAJOR TOM finds the LadyBug Wing, this Wheel of Fire within a God Vishnus hand. This is a better product than that sludge And these men of falsely propped up Money think they control the World. So you know and you see, we see, and be over the decades holding and hiding within the EMR space as a better plan was unfolding from within...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:59:37 +0000

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