US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that US created Taliban - TopicsExpress


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that US created Taliban and abandoned Pakistan. Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the United States too had a share in creating the problem that plagues Pakistan today. problems we face now to some extent we have to take responsibility for, having contributed to it. We also have a history of kind of moving in and out of Pakistan, she said. Lets remember here the people we are fighting today we funded them twenty years ago and we did it because we were locked in a struggle with the Soviet Union. They invaded Afghanistan and we did not want to see them control Central Asia and we went to work and it was President Reagan in partnership with Congress led by Democrats who said you know what it sounds like a pretty good idea lets deal with the ISI and the Pakistan military and lets go recruit these mujahideen. And great, let them come from Saudi Arabia and other countries, importing their Wahabi brand of Islam so that we can go beat the Soviet Union. And guess what they (Soviets) retreated they lost billions of dollars and it led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. So there is a very strong argument which is it wasnt a bad investment in terms of Soviet Union but lets be careful with what we sow because we will harvest Mohammed Inayath Ulla Sharief Imran Mohammad Syed Ali Imran Pratapgarhi Syed Irfan Sunni Lion Shaikh Arif Hussain We R OneUmmah Rehan Ali Warsi Altaf Solanki Rehan Khan Denis Arnaut Deoband Reality Maslak Tajushariya Zindha Baad Aamirs Khan Aadil Sayed Shoeb Khan Waliullah Siddiqi Abdullah Sheikh MuslimsInside Mohammad Azmat Ansari Monika Singh MY PERSONAL NOTE: DID YOU NOTICED WAHABISM WAS A CONSPIRACY BY AMERICAN AND IF WE MOVE MORE IN PAST WE GOT THE EVIDENCE THE WAHABI MOVEMENT WAS FUNDED BY ENGLISH...... WITH MEN POWER WHO WERE ACTED TO BE MUSLIM AND ENDED OTTOMON EMPIRE...... AS TILL THE WORLD WAR-I OTTOMON WERE FIGHTING AGINST THESE ENGLISH.... AND AT LAST THE OTTOMON EMPIRE SHRINKS TO TURKEY.............
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:43:53 +0000

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