US Sen. Ron Johnson: Hillary Clinton ‘Obviously’ Perpetuated - TopicsExpress


US Sen. Ron Johnson: Hillary Clinton ‘Obviously’ Perpetuated a Benghazi ‘Cover-Up’ Benghazi ‘Cover-Up’ 9:59 AM 06/19/2014 Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said that Hillary Clinton’s role in an obvious Benghazi “cover-up” disqualifies her from becoming president. Johnson detailed his views on the “cover-up” in an interview Wednesday evening with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “Well, I think she understands how culpable she is, and she understands exactly her dereliction of duty that really results in the death of four Americans,” Johnson said about Clinton, who served as secretary of state during the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. “And you know, listen, she can provide an awful lot of the answers. Hugh, we don’t know what she was really doing that night…Hillary Clinton understands exactly how culpable she is as secretary of state, because she’s the only one, according to the law, that could sign the waivers to basically waive the security standards that were present at that consulate.” “I mean, there is obviously a cover up here,” Johnson said. “You know, one thing that’s not really been taken, really looked at carefully is the fact that one thing we do know is that Secretary Clinton and President Obama spoke about 10:00 pm in the evening.“ Johnson said that Clinton perpetuated the Benghazi cover-up when she told the late Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods’ father that filmmaker Nakoula Bassely Nakoula’s obscure Internet movie “Innocence of Muslims” was responsible for the violence that claimed Woods. Bassely was subsequently arrested and jailed on probation violations stemming from his participation in producing the film. “You know, if you were secretary of state, given the responsibility to go to Andrews Air Force Base, to welcome home the remains of those four Americans, would you do your duty and offer the condolences of a nation? Or would you seize that moment, that opportunity, to plant and perpetuate a cover-up?” Johnson wondered. “I mean, that is a craven, political act, because that’s what she did with Tyrone Woods’ father, and basically saying we’re going to get that video producer, we’re going to make sure he’s arrested. Again, that’s just a craven, political act. I think that alone disqualifies her as president of the United States.” Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said that Hillary Clintons role in an... dailycaller
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 22:02:43 +0000

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