US Senator Roy Blunt 1001 Cherry Street, Suite 104 Columbia, - TopicsExpress


US Senator Roy Blunt 1001 Cherry Street, Suite 104 Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: (573) 442-8151 Fax: (573) 442-8162 Greetings US Senator Roy Blunt, I visited your Columbia Missouri office field staffer in April 2014, sharing some of the many videos, and/or documentary films Ive made under the NATO military committee press, and also the American press Association on the topic of the country of the Republic of Georgia, its territorial integrity, the Russian military creeping occupation here that was taking place as far back as October 2013, and some US Embassy events in Georgia. This last week, I attempted to marry my fiancée Eva Mariam Kvekveskiri, by applying for the documents at the Tbilisi public service hall, which I had visited a few days prior being told them that I only needed a US passport and last marriage document which was a divorce that I had filed and completed here in Tbilisi February 2011 and which they have in their computers and printed the document out for that, and the witnesses necessary, which I have also committed to and prepared to attend the marriage. Upon the second visits Tbilisi public-service hall, where Eva arrived there separately to meet me by taxi, she was in great fear of her family and friends, who were both incessantly calling me, and her, threatening us both with police if I did not tell them where she was, also if she was in a church somewhere. We went into the Tbilisi public-service hall, and we were denied our right to marry, a decision which was reversed the very next day by the government after I arrived with Mamuka Bagatrioni who corrected the situation. However, after Eva and I were refused to be able to marry, Eva was even more frightened, because she had planned to be able to come home with me that day being strongly orthodox. Being refused our basic human right number 16 of the universal declaration of human rights, the right to marry and create a family, she has since been missing, and her friend whose phone she strangely contacted me from before coming to the Tbilisi public service hall that day, whom Ive never met, simply sent to text later the next day saying she was in a monastery somewhere. Upon receiving this text, and knowing the high amount of kidnappings that have taken place and religious terrorism in this part of the world, I immediately went to the US Embassy, and filed an incident report, to which face-to-face the clerk simply responded that this was a private matter and they would not get involved unless it was a risk to my personal safety or security, which I explained to them that threats and harassment of police involvement in simply my marriage to a Georgian citizen was a great risk to my security and personal safety, and I also countered to them that the violation of my basic human rights to marriage and to create a family was violated by the Tbilisi public service hole with the Georgian government, as well as that of my fiancée, and that as a citizen of the United States of America, that wasnt just a private matter. I then took a copy of the incident reports filed to the US Embassy, and called upon the police in Tbilisi, and met with them to file a missing persons report on Eva, later being met with two other police who then picked up her cousin and cousins fiancé, the fiancé stating that she works for Georgian Parliament, and her mother saying she works for a ministry in Georgian government, and we all meeting at the police station, the police never once looked at all the SMS that I had received, they never gave me a copy of any paperwork at all, they simply took the word of the Evas alleged friend that she is up in a monastery somewhere. You may refer to the May 17, 2013 events in Georgia which were a form of religious terrorism or religious extremism in which I myself have documented hundreds of Georgians running down the streets as those who were supporting gay rights were sought out and were beaten. This was a direct result of a statement made by their countries patriarch, which was reported in the BBC News, out of Britain. again I will point out that even arrived at her own decision to the Tbilisi public service hall, separately for me and by her own will and decision, and she also left the Tbilisi public service hall by taxi, separately and on her own, after we had talked at the park next to the Tbilisi public service hall for about 20 minutes about our commitment to marry one another,, even if in another country if necessary, and our commitment to one another regardless of the obstacles that may stand in the way, given the atrocious, epic, and very serious violation of our human rights, specifically article 16 of the Universal declaration of human rights, the rights to marry and create a family. Since Eva left the Tbilisi public service hall that they by taxi, I have not heard from, or seen her since that time. I have serious concerns about her safety, and this is exactly why upon hearing the alleged news that she was allegedly in a monastery somewhere, but I immediately got a taxi and filed incident report at the US Embassy, , and then immediately after took a copy of those incident reports, which I provided to the police, which they didnt provide me any documents, and having met Evas father there after I walked out of the police station, whom Eva had indicated to me was himself a police officer. I have not heard anything from the police or the family after that. I request a full and open investigation into the United States embassy Tbilisi Georgia, and note that the Republic of Georgia present government absolutely and grossly violated the most basic of human rights of not only myself a citizen of the United States of America, but also that of my Georgian citizen fiancé Eva. In addition to that the clerk at the Tbilisi public service hall in section 8 who denied us our rights to marry, also lied to me about the time that I could return with Eva to marry on December 31, 2014 at 5 PM, which was the exact time that they had closed for the weekend, and holiday. I am in total disagreement with the United States embassy Tbilisi Georgia, that this is only a private matter. The fact that my fiancé is missing, and that the government of Georgia initially denied our right to marry face-to-face, when Eva and I together were there at the Tbilisi public service hall, and the fact that I was persistently called, SMS, and contacted by Facebook chat by her friends and family threatening police involvement, is also a risk to my safety and security, as well as hers. I also films and attended a say no to theocracy event in Georgia, due to the problems with religious extremism and religious terrorism here, which can be seen on YouTube. it is also to me highly unusual that the police failed to provide me with any documentation at all on my contacting them and filling out a statement for a missing person report, and giving them copy of the US embassy incident report, which I have attached to JPEG files of here of that incident report. At this time of January 3, 2015, since leaving the Tbilisi public service hall where I had last seen Eva in our applying for the marriage, I have heard absolutely nothing from her, and have no solid information on her whereabouts. I consider this a form of religious terrorism, and or a possible kidnapping, and a threat to my personal safety and security, given the frequency and amount of contact and threats of police involvement from her friends and family simply and strictly over our pursuance of marriage and nothing else. Please let me know if there is anything you can do, and I officially request your investigation into the United States embassy for deeming this a private matter only. Thank you very much, Ive enjoyed visiting your office staff the two previous times before on topics related to the Georgian American friendship, and my work here in making documentary films on the topics of Georges territorial integrity, NATO aspirations, and filming US Embassy events, and most importantly some first historical meetings between NATO and the former Georgian defense minister Irakli Alasania, and literally the Russian creeping occupation back in October 2013, i being the first American journalist to do so in the conflict zone under the targeting of military snipers during that filming they not knowing of or expecting my arrival, though after publishing that film to YouTube, 24 hours later local media announced that the Georgian government had publicly stated that that Russian military creeping occupation had come to an end. I want to thank you for your staffs great attentiveness, and the previous meeting Ive had with them face-to-face at your Columbia office, at which time I had submitted those films. I do have an audio that I posted on this emergency situation to YouTube, which I provided link to here: https://youtube/watch?v=3ELPIUpoMUM&list=UUoHzUNcm61AdpiVCVTyqMgQ Thank you and best regards, Michael R Vanderpool, APA, American Press Association (APA)
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:47:30 +0000

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