US citizens have never had a problem with immigration or - TopicsExpress


US citizens have never had a problem with immigration or immigrants, as long as these individuals follow our immigration laws. While you claim that we need reasonable, thoughtful, compassionate debate that focuses on our hopes, not our fears, you yourself fail at any of these qualities refusing to even debate or entertain any idea but your own. You refuse time and again to ensure the laws are faithfully executed which means that laws are enforced – not just the ones you like. You are not sitting in a position of authority to be the advocate or leader for the immigration community. Your job, Barack, is to function as the leader of this nation, a nation of legal citizens, upholding the interest of citizens through the respectful enforcement of the constitutional laws of this nation. You have no authority to create legislation or even attempt to do so. You have no authority to circumvent the legislative or judicial branches, and you certainly have no authority to act against the citizens of this nation. You, sir, are not a king or a dictator, despite what you may believe or how you may view your role as the occupant of the Oval Office. Immigration is not an issue of race, politics, gender, or religion. Immigration is a tool that protects this nation from harm from within. Granted, it is a concept with which you are familiar and a concept that you abhor. Your actions speak louder than your words, Barack – it is visible for all the people to see. No amount of appealing to the sentimental side of US citizens will persuade them otherwise on immigration. That side of citizens was taken advantage of, abused, and used up long ago. No longer can citizens afford sentimentality. Our right to exist as a free nation is being challenged on all fronts. Citizens are throwing off the chains of sentiment, choosing to operate in the practical, thinking of the future instead of the here and now. Citizens are beginning to see the facade, the false face of this administration. They are not pleased, Barack. Your hope and change for this country was to transform it into some communist/socialist/Marxist/Muslim dictatorial tyranny that would be sold to the highest foreign country bidder – a total destruction of the United States. Immigration, for you, is just another tool in order to do that. By allowing every Tom, Dick, and Harry access to the US, your hope is to bring this country to a full economic collapse ripe for the taking. Instituting martial law against civil disobedience would allow for total usurpation of power, genocide by government decree, and a splitting of this nations land to nations that would destroy it through war to gain territory. While Congress may not have the courage to stand strong against your planned reign of destruction and tyranny, not all citizens are like Congress.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 03:05:20 +0000

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