US little boy president of corporation speaks: US President - TopicsExpress


US little boy president of corporation speaks: US President Barack Obama says Washington and its European allies will impose a cost on Russia if it does not reverse course over the situation in Ukraine. “Europe and America are united in our support of the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian people,” Obama said in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, after talks with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Monday. “We are united in imposing a cost on Russia for its actions so far.” Obama, who has kicked off a week of talks with leaders from Washington’s European allies, also said that he and other representatives from the Group of Eight (G8) developed nations, except representatives from the Kremlin, will discuss a permanent removal of Moscow from the economic group and tougher economic sanctions against Russia. US National Security Adviser Susan Rice has already said that Obama will look to isolate Russia during his visit to the Netherlands to meet with other leaders of major world economic powers. Obama has already announced two stages of sanctions that target Russian political and business leaders as well as a major Russian bank, Rossiya Bank. He has also issued an executive order to authorize penalties against key sectors of the Russian economy if necessary. Russian President Vladimir Putin mocked the US sanctions, saying he planned to open an account at Rossiya Bank. “I’ve already said that I was going to open an account in this bank, more than that I asked for my salary to be transferred to this account,” Putin said. Meanwhile, US intelligence services and the military are scrambling to expand spy satellite coverage and communications-interception efforts across Russia. The White House has also said that it is “very concerned” about Russian forces near Ukraine’s eastern and southern borders, saying they might engage in military incursions into Ukraine. This comes as the US has stepped up the deployment of its military forces to eastern Europe, including the dispatch of fighter jets and surveillance equipment to Poland and the Baltic states. A March 16 referendum in the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in which people overwhelmingly voted to break away from Ukraine and rejoin Russia further escalated the already simmering tensions between the US and Russia. On Friday, Putin signed into law legislation passed by the upper house of the Federal Assembly of Russia earlier in the day that officially makes Crimea part of the Russian Federation. ISH/ISH 82 13 105 Related Stories: US steps up spying on Russia: Report Obama looks to isolate Putin: Officials US: Anti-Russia sanctions effective US concerned by Russia military buildup US lawmakers want US to arm Ukraine Sen. Menendez urges US to stop Putin Comments (14) Add Comment Click Here Note: The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages are the personal views of individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Press TV. mohsen samii Mar 24, 2014 4:27 PM To slap sanctions on any countries economy is an act of war and in Russia´s case they could and should declare war because they are in a position to do so whereas Iran unfortunately does not. Click to Rate ReplyRating0 BUSHYBROWS Mar 24, 2014 4:11 PM What cost? Losing a seat at the demonic Economic, Masonic CULT?! They (the US and its allies) can keep it or give it to western Ukraine! Click to Rate ReplyRating5 Ali Mar 24, 2014 4:3 PM USA specializes in using its Tax money to build bullets that it will see to it end up into some innocents chest in a third world country. Russia is not what USA specializes in. Click to Rate ReplyRating7 DennisFRA Mar 24, 2014 3:54 PM That guy has serious issuses with democratic processes. Click to Rate ReplyRating13 God Blesses Real democracy Not plutocracyin reply to DennisFRA 3/24/2014 4:37:17 PM how right you are Dennis, he is mistaking autocracy/plutocracy with Democracy such a shame for an educated man, it takes all sorts Click to Rate Rating0 Observer Mar 24, 2014 3:44 PM Pride comes before the fall. The hypocritical, proud USA is giving its last barks. It doesnt have a leg to stand on, except a big mouth. Click to Rate ReplyRating11 Alkhair Mar 24, 2014 3:32 PM I ask Obama what would he do if Iraq takes over Kuwait? I bet carpet bomb Iraq before rape and plunder. Now bark like shameless baboon. Boot is already in you back side if you were to look back. USA and its jackals are used to killing unarmed nations from Palestine to Vietnam. Click to Rate ReplyRating8 Prometheus Mar 24, 2014 3:32 PM What other cringe worthy nonsense is going to spew from that mans mouth? Click to Rate ReplyRating10 Hay hay Mar 24, 2014 2:19 PM Obama is so desperate he dose not know what his doing. Stop embarrassing your self and United States, Russia dose not care about your sanctions or your G8. Putin knows besides the leaders of the 28 zionist controlled nations the rest of the world is fead up with the zionist new world order evil agenda. Putin has said before world is far bigger then US and NATO and Russia is started to build their own allience. Click to Rate ReplyRating17 Alkhairin reply to Hay hay 3/24/2014 3:43:45 PM G8 and G20 are to rope in financially better of countries into the New World Order in order to dominated the resources Rich Poor. The master of all these Gs is Zionist Jewish Banking System. The countries in Gs are just fooled to think they are special when the people of these countries are worse off than the slaves. Click to Rate Rating0 Saving Face Slogans Mar 24, 2014 2:18 PM US is only trying to save face in a very embarrassing situation. Obama knows very well, US can not do anything about the recent legitimate actions of Russia. Click to Rate ReplyRating24 A-TP Mar 24, 2014 2:13 PM All that Russia has to do is accept currencies other than dollar for its oil / gas sales,this would destroy the dollar and US power.The US however is still needed attempting to conquer the last sovereign nations for zio bankers. Click to Rate ReplyRating16 Truth Mar 24, 2014 2:9 PM Obama is digging grave for USA and its followers. It is wonderful that finally Rotschilds and his cronies banking system is in complete collapse. From where and HOW is USA going to get more then $18 trillions to pay debts? Click to Rate ReplyRating17 Mirror Mar 24, 2014 1:52 PM the world is united against aggressors who want to impose new world order by toppling independent leaders and invading sovereign nations,not only imposing costs but making them to pay too from what they have done from Hiroshima to present day Syria Click to Rate ReplyRating27
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:54:23 +0000

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