US military makes a secret terrorist groups for Russian-speaking - TopicsExpress


US military makes a secret terrorist groups for Russian-speaking areas of Quote Einar Schlereth: In good German simply calls such groups death squadrons, as described by the Americans in the School of the Americas - have been trained for decades (video here). The worst types of the prisons, the scum of the earth will be collected in order to transform it into the purest killer machines. These killers have tortured in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, Chile and then already killed hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Libya and now in Syria or brutally to death. And now those types should be introduced not only in the Donbas but also directly to Russia. And there are still people who defend the US and still prate of democracy. Thats just disgusting. Censorship - This image of the School of the Americas will be deleted again. But it is on the Wikipedia page (see above) to find. This branch of the School of the Americas in Panama was closed after many protests. US military forms of secret terrorist groups for Russian-speaking areas. The first group of fighters of the volunteer Strafbattalions Donbas began yesterday at the training center in the city Zolochiw, in Lvov area, under the guidance of US instructors. Experiment programs are represented on the official website of the battalion, which will last a month, with which young commanders to be trained as a junior. It is reported that the Americans will introduce security guards in all the subtleties of working with staff, management of brigades and improve coordination. At the same time, according to other sources, including militants, trained to carry out sabotage and terrorist activities in enemy territory, and in the ability to organize secret groups and intelligence people. According to news agency Voenkor be the most radical ideological militants selected from the courses, including ethnic Russians. You will obviously paid special attention, because they speak Russian accent and can be used on Russian territory with a minimal risk that they fly up. The commander Semen Semenchenko (Grishin) of Donbass-battalion has repeatedly from the creation of training centers for spoken partisans who could work in the liberated areas of Novorossiya and also in Russia. One should not forget that the US intelligence rich in such training has experience. Note ML: Dirty Tricks - translated Dirty Tricks - was a specialized unit of the British Army. This unit was, judging by historian Udo Walendy, used by the British in so-called missions in order to incite in Poland, the Polish population against the Germans and, like today in Syria by the CIA and MI 5 funded rebels carry out terrorist attacks. Anyone who thinks that these are brain-webs and does not correspond to the facts, here listen to the presentation by Udo Walendy (from 22 minutes)! The Americans with their CIA refined the methods of the English and placed them over several decades and over again impressively demonstrated. Check out the US policy in South America to mind! Anyone interested in this topic, heres a video unfortunately only in English: Economic Hit Man: CIA, Espionage, and Dirty Tricks: How the CIA Works or Dirty Tricks on an economic basis. To VIDEO - School of School of Americas murderer! Source: Canadian Einar Schlereth. Link References: Dirty wars: How the US, the world declared a battlefield - In an interview with Context TV on the edge of a discussion at Harvard University in the US says the American investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill (photo left) for the first time with a German media about his straight in the US published book Dirty Wars. The World Is a Battlefield ( dirty war. The world is a battlefield ), in the ... more here If not, the scales fall from the eyes of the Americans, the Americans are lost. America - this is the development from barbarism to decadence without going through the culture. Georges Clemenceau at Versailles in 1919. more here The Anglo-American crusade-thought in the 20th century - In his last work: -here comments to Germany gratis- he was able to conclude shortly before his death in 1988, Hoggan has thoughts and judgments on the history of Germany and Europe in the last 100 years together and thus provide a weitausholende show the events since 1871. more here Telling the truth is a revolutionary act! Despite widespread dissatisfaction dominate in todays Western world apathy and paralysis. The current economic collapse was caused intentionally by politicians and multinational corporations on behalf of Rothschilds. They represent a tyrannical New World Order and are determined to enslave us all. Unfortunately, this is fact ... and ... you remember! Just saying the truth is a revolutionary act already! more here Reeducation and servile flattery - This all depends on how lead our people. The re-education of the Germans after 1945 was one of the defining events of the post-war period. Evil German. So deeply penetrated the re-education in the consciousness of the Germans, that they later without American guidance of their own accord continued led them to penetrate all strata of the population with its principles. It licensed by the Allies newspapers had also their share as parties or universities. more here There are no coincidences - decisive turning points in our lives sometimes seem as strange additions for better or for worse. We meet the partner of our life, get a long-awaited job offer, losing touch with the important people in our lives or even haunted by tragic misfortunes. Often decide Seconds or supposedly banal everyday decisions about the arrival of these events. more here Purchased journalists - you also have the feeling that they are often manipulated and lied to by the media? Then youre like the majority of Germans. Previously it was considered conspiracy theory that mainstream media manipulate us citizens with propaganda techniques targeted. Now an insider reveals what really happened behind the scenes. more here How the media deceive us! Video evidence! Believe about someone still, after all of this video, it is in German media true coverage? more here In a word - A journey to the summit of philosophy - is a gigantic plant, unique and absolutely a masterpiece, unequaled. For each of the questions themselves up in order to get to the truth to finally lift the veil of mist to look behind the backdrop of the actual existence, this book is an absolute must. more here Those who rely only on others, is left in a crisis itself. Imagine, after a bank crash come for days, maybe even weeks not your money. Or as a result of the so-called energy transition occurs in large urban centers suddenly a blackout. No fridge, no TV, no computer, no logistics center work more. And after a few days there will be shortages. more here lupocattivoblog/…/us-militar-bildet-geheime-ter…/
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:38:59 +0000

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