#US was forced to sign this treaty by #Khilafah! Are you aware - TopicsExpress


#US was forced to sign this treaty by #Khilafah! Are you aware that the only treaty that #America has signed in other than its own language is the treaty that it convened with the Othmani Khilafah State and that this was written in Turkisha? And do you know that in this treaty America committed to paying Jizyah to the Khilafah State? This occurred in the year 1795 and it was signed by George Washington the first American President and the Wali (Governor) of Jazaa’ir (Algeria) who at that time was Baklar Hasan. This treaty was made in order to free some naval prisoners and this agreement came with the obligation for America to pay 642 thousand gold dollars immediately and 1200 Othamani Liras. This payment to the Othmani Khilafah State represents the only time in its entire history that America has paid an annual tax to any foreign State. This is the real nature of a state, the Othmani Khilafah State in which the Muslims enjoyed honour and might which is so absent today. This is the very Khilafah State that has been described in history books as ‘The Othmani occupation of Egypt’! The time has come for the Muslims to return to their might and honour and this will never happen unless the borders that colonialism has manufactured are removed and the Islamic way of life is resumed once again via the application of Islaam in a complete and comprehensive way, in the Khilafah State under which Muslims and non-Muslims have lived the best of their days.... revive!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:04:00 +0000

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