USE OF SANSKRIT BY MUSLIMS In the Indian subcontinent, Iran, - TopicsExpress


USE OF SANSKRIT BY MUSLIMS In the Indian subcontinent, Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan some Avestic Sanskrit words are used by Muslims while practicing their religion. These are very well known words, KHUDA to mean God, NAMAZ to mean prayer, PAIGAMBAR to mean the messenger Mohammad, BEHEASTH to mean heaven and DOJK to mean hell. Avestan language was the ancient language of Iran almost 5000 years ago. Linguists say is was just a Dialect of Vedic Sanskrit as words used in Avestan is very close to their Vedic cognates. (cognates are same words used in different languages in different way) Here I am giving one sentence of Avestan and its translation in Vedic. AVESTAN- "ASHO BAHISTHE HAZOSHAM" Translation in VEDIC-"ASHU BASISTHE SAJOSHAM" Here Asho/Ashu means life, Bahisthe/Basisthe means heaven Hazosham/Sajosham means with joy. German and English also has those similiarities. GERMAN-DIE KUH IST BRUN ENGLISH-THE COW IS BROWN Here, die/the, kuh/cow, ist/is and brun/brown are similar because origin of English and German is same. Origin of Avestan and Vedic Sanskrit was also same that is why they show striking similarities as above. Now a days orthodox and extremist Muslims are pleading to discard the Avestic words in favor of pure Arabic words as they think Allah understands only one language that is Arabic. He should not be addressed in any other language other than Arabic as it is a sin to do so. They want the word KHUDA to be replaced by ALLAH, NAMAZ to be replaced by SALAT, BEHEAST to be replaced by JANNAT, DOJK to be replaced by JAHANNUM, PAIGAMBAR to be replaced by RASUL. The educated Muslims say the Indian muslims have used them for 800 years then what is the problem now? the extremists answer that Indian Muslims have unknowingly committed a sin by using the Sanskrit linked words now it is the time to go to the wright path and use Arabic the Language of Allah. Since in India Islam entered via Iran and Afghanistan the avestic words used there were mistakenly thought as part of Islam by Indians who became Muslims. Now it is time to discard them according to the fanatics. The extremists are true in one aspect the above mentioned words banned by them are really linked to Sanskrit, here I am giving them one by one. "KHUDA", in Persian consists of two parts Khwa and Da, Khwa means self and Da means to give. Its Sanskrit translation is "KHDATA", KH=self or atma, DATA =GIVER "NAMAZ" is Persian, its Sanskrit translation is "NAMO YACHNA" "BEHEASTH" is Persian, its Sanskrit translation is "BASISTHA" "DOJK" is Persian, its Sanskrit translation is "DUJAGAT" "PAIGAMBAR" is Persion, its Sanskrit translation is "PRAGYAMBHAR" NAMO= To bow down,YACHNA=Prayer BAS=To live, ISTHA=Superlative degree, so Basistha means best place to live that is heaven DUJAGAT= very bad place, where DU mean bad and JAGAT means place. PRAGYA= Perfect knowledge or Brambhagyan, BHAR=holder,so PRAGYAMBHAR means holder of divine Knowledge. Through this message I would like to draw the attention of all Nationalist Indians to this issue.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 07:05:07 +0000

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