USE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE WISELY, DONT WASTE IT. What are you dealing with right now? Has life dealt you a blow or a kiss? Does it matter if you are in the classroom of life? It only matters how you receive the lesson. Wisdom demand an application for your own good and that of others. I invite you to count yourself blessed to have a Growth Opportunity Act enacted upon the template of your life. What is my perspective on this word Circumstances? Allow me to share with you a few hints. Circumstances are either roadblocks or roadmaps. You have to choose how to employ them. They are either stepping stones or stumbling blocks. You determine their employment. Used as roadmaps they take you through uncharted territory. There you can choose to fear or to discover. They bring you to what may seem like the end of the road. There you may choose to continue with the journey and discover that the end of the road is actually a bend; a redirection to your desire destination. But you must turn in and proceed. You must lift your head up high and say, I am pressing on. They show you new lands that need cultivation. Either you choose to say the soil is hard or choose to find a new way of irrigation. Choose the latter and discover a forest of new and godly attitudes that will take you beyond the present cares to the future glories in vision. Choose the latter and you will scatter healthy seeds of character in the hearty farms of many a wanderer. Choose the latter and you will never lack the rain of blessing that the Gardener will flood the soil of your heart with; an abundance that changes your perspective from seeing your circumstance to recognizing His providence. A stumbling block or a stepping stone? Again, choose the latter. Rise above the circumstance and let it stay below you as you step on it in the hope and total trust that you are getting closer to the One who is in control. Dare you think that He could treat this speck of dust with carelessness? Wasnt this speck of dust a spectacle; an attraction to the heavens and the angelic host even before the dust fell back to the ground after he/she was formed? Do you know the cost of His blood? Why would He leave heaven to come down to this filth? Is He purposeless? Never. He has spotted you and found you desirable; an irresistible attraction that must stay close beside Him till forever. Do you see yourself thus? God forbid that you should have a different mind other than that you have the assurance of His total love toward you. So then my friend, you choose. As you rise above your circumstance, your fears will subside as your faith learns to fly beyond your present into the Presence. As you step beyond the boundary of your circumstance, you will see that pebbles along the way that seemed as interferences were reference points to take you to His desired place for you. Rise above it and see the hand that rocks the world get closer and closer to your own arm, holding it with strength as He gives you new vision for the days ahead. Get closer and closer to the Rock until your leaning upon Him becomes your permanent positioning. He doesnt mind. He wants you very very close. He is eager to have you rise above, that is why He came down. But down couldnt hold Him because down remains the territory of the slayer. So you see, He took the risk, to come down so that we would find ourselves under His wings flying, not in the down where sin drowns. Again I say, USE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE WISELY. DONT WASTE IT. It is your road map to His desired destination for you, and your stepping stone to the Rock of Ages cleft for me. Romans 8:28- SAY IT ALOUD. REJOICE! ~Beryl Joe
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 06:30:05 +0000

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