USING DISCERMENT AND RESONACE WITHIN OUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH By Phillip Elton Collins The Angel News Network Many of us are now aware that our planet and species is involved within a shift like never before within our recorded history. This has happened before in past Golden Ages. Now the old paradigm of our governments, religions, corporations, educational and medical institutions (which control us) are once again not meeting the needs of the people. And we are now waking up to this reality and becoming ready to commit to creating a new, true reality of equality, and balance. Many of the tools and teaching to effect change are coming from higher realms, not the human mind. This is a challenge for some and not so for many. The truth is that these higher forces have been supporting humanity for eons in moving us into a divine destination of unity and oneness for all. Are we ready to fully embody the truth that forces outside ourselves can and will assist us in creating a world that reflects a ‘universal wisdom’ allowing us to move into an evolved reality? Through our discernment and resonance (how we feel about something, an internal gyro system) we can employ this higher support. There are many human teachers and messengers receiving guidance from higher realms and bringing them to us. How do you know who is true and who to trust? Let’s create some guide lines that can help us: BEING THE MESSAGE: Pay attention if the one bringing higher truths to us appears to have a private and public persona that are not the same. There are those teaching one thing and being another. This deceit will no longer work in our world of faster cyber communication and transportation. Do they seem intent on selling you something; a remedy or workshop at an inflated price that reflects their wounded ego. Then they just may be involved in their endeavor to be validated and gratified, not truly care about helping. BEING IN A PERSONAL PROCESS: It is essential that we be involved in a deep examination of the self through a process that supports your highest good. You can do this individually or with others. There are many metaphysical therapist trained to support this process. But use your discernment and resonance and find the one that feel right for you. Our advancement is a process of inside out, not outside in. If someone tells you otherwise, use your discernment. If someone is attempting to fix you from the outside in…”take this, do that”, beware. You will apply what resonates on your own timetable and throw the rest out the window. Knowing who you are and why you are here within your talents and gifts and what brings you joy are fundamental to this process. We are all in an eternal; process of growth and expansion. YOUR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT: Know in your heart that whatever is happening within you and the world is a divine right within you taking place. No one else is ‘making’ anything happen but except you supported by higher realms (whoever you chose to call them). If someone else’s names for these higher realms resonate, apply them. If not, don’t. Our ability to grow and expansion is a natural part of who we are. Awakening/remembering your divinity (not necessarily associated with any religion) is key. You are divinity expressing itself within each and every moment. Look at the world around you, ‘we the people’ are demanding our divinity and equality. SPIRITUALITY IN THE WAY: Let us be careful that ‘thinking’ we are spiritual is special or makes us better than anyone else. As in many matters in humanity, spirituality can also be used to say we are special and know the true path to enlightenment. There are many paths to the same destination. We are all going to get ‘there,’ it’s just a matter of when and how we chose to learn. It’s your divine right to be/do so. Each unique one of us is on a specific point on our path. Let us accept this with compassion for self and others. IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE: We are all on this planet of ‘LOVERVERSITY” to learn to love self which allows love of others. If we so chose we are creating communities of equality, harmony and balance that support a universal cosmic love. And if we so chose, we can and will create a new Golden Age of Oneness. What do you chose?
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:46:01 +0000

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