USING URINE TO ENHANCE YOUR BEAUTY AND HEALTH Science and medicine are beginning to acknowledge the many uses of urine. Urea a major component of urine has been found helpful for maintaining healthy skin. I have witness cases where urine is used to treat facial eruptions like acne, boils and other skin problems. To heal over treated and damaged facial skin, use the first morning urine to wash the face and leave for about an hour, then wash off with a mild soap, preferably baby soap. This treatment will restore the skin to its natural state and give it a youthful glow. Apply until satisfactory results are achieved. Please note, no type of cream should be used along with this treatment. Urine has also been said to treat old stubborn wounds. To do this, simply apply using cotton wool soaked in urine. The health benefits of urine are numerous. For instance, I remember that as a child, my mother use to force me to drink a cup of my urine whenever I had serious fever. For those who cannot stand this, they can begin by diluting it with water or sweeten to taste. The book ‘’Water of Life” by J. Armstrong gives detail accounts of the many uses of urine, including cure for cancer, weight loss, cure for diabetes, hypertension etc.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:15:07 +0000

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