USING YOUR LEGAL NAME IS SELLING YOUR SOUL This is why I dont go by or give out the legal name on my birth certificate. Using your legal name is using property which does not belong to you You are then tricked into committing fraud and theft. But as far as Im concerned To force me to commit fraud and theft through the forceful use of a legal name is violent and unlawful. And as far as Im concerned I can be known by what ever name I want Without someone forcefully imposing the name they want on to me. The entire human race has been programmed, conditioned and tricked into slavery through the perversion of words, spells and language of the rich power elite. IN PART This is why when Moses was asked for his name Moses never gave out his name but instead said, I AM WHO I AM AND This is why when Jesus was asked for his name Jesus never gave out his name and said, I AM I AM IS WHO I AM. THAT is the highest ultimate most honest spiritual truthful answer That you can give ANYBODY who asks you for your name And if I wish to be known as I AM and I AM WHO I AM Then I can be known as I AM or I AM WHO I AM BY AND ON The authority of BOTH Moses and Jesus (Who IS The Son of God) IN COURT When they ask you for your legal name They are trying to link the corporate legal name account To YOU the living consciousness that abides in your human body. The second that you tell them your legal name The second that your body sounds that vibration into the universe You have made a spiritually binding contract That surrenders your conscious living body To the slave name which is their property. You have literally and legally sold your soul.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:41:03 +0000

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