USMC IG CASE NO. 10751 CSFA 2001 S.K.I.D.D.S. LBFD MCRD #USMC - TopicsExpress


USMC IG CASE NO. 10751 CSFA 2001 S.K.I.D.D.S. LBFD MCRD #USMC #USFA #FEMA #CERT #AARP #PTO #PTA #CSFA #NFPA #SFPE #NCJA #ICJ #PMQs #NATO #FDNY #SASC #IAFC #IAPC #ATF #DEA “TIMETABLES OF HISTORY” YEAR 1959 INTERVENTION? “President Eisenhower invokes Taft-Hartley Act to halt 116-day-old steelworkers’ strike; longshoremen’s strike halted the same way. Cuba President Batista Flees to the Dominican Republic; Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba; expropriates U.S. – owned sugar mills Belgium grants reforms in Congo De Gaulle proclaimed President of the Fifth Republic in France Disturbances in Nyasaland; Hastings Banda arrested Macmillan visits U.S.S.R., France, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. Archbishop Makarios returns to Cyprus; Cyprus becomes a republic Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S. New York City Council appoints a committee to study possibility of its become 51st state Khrushchev visits Albania and the U.S. De Valera becomes President of Eire Heinrich Lubke elected President of W. Germany Eisenhower visits W. Germany, England, India, and eight other nations Bandaranaika, President of Ceylon, assassinated European Free Trade Association (‘The Seven’) ratify treaty Britain and United Arab Republic resume diplomatic relations Nobel Peace Prize: Philip J. Noel-Baker John foster Dulles d. (b. 1888) George C. Marshall d. (b. 1880)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 00:02:29 +0000

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