UTM #QTchallenge Day 3 (10/29/14) Daniel 2:31-49: The Future from - TopicsExpress


UTM #QTchallenge Day 3 (10/29/14) Daniel 2:31-49: The Future from a Divine Perspective Introduction Daniel 2 is one of the most amazing prophetic passages in the Bible. It was written in 600 B.C., yet it predicted the future rise and fall of four great world empires! Some of Daniel 2 may seem like so much ancient history to us, but it was all future to Daniel. This passage gives us a long look at the sovereign authority of God, who not only has a plan for human history but is also carrying out that plan perfectly. Preparing Your Heart Im sure that at some point in your life you came to realization that you need to put your trust in God. In those times and circumstances where there seems to be no answer, you look to God. What experiences in your life have led you to put your faith in God? Lets prepare our hearts this morning by asking God to give us the faith to our whole trust in Him. 1) Read The Passage - Daniel 2:31-49 https://biblegateway/passage/?search=Daniel+2%3A31-49&version=ESV 2) Questions to Ponder - As you think about Daniels description of the dream in verses 31-35 (not the interpretation of the dream in later verses), what was it about the dream that may have caused Nebuchadnezzar to be troubled (see v. 1)? - The interpretation of the dream begins in verse 36. Why do you think God referred to Nebuchadnezzar as the head of gold (vv. 36-38)? - While Daniel does not say who the future kingdoms are, we can identify them as Medo-Persia (silver), Greece (bronze) and Rome (iron). What does Daniel say about the relative nature and power of these kingdoms (vv. 36-43)? - What is the significance of the mixture of clay (ceramic) with iron (vv. 41-43)? - Verse 44 says that in the time of those kings [the ones represented by the toes?] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. What characteristics of the kingdom of God are described in verses 44-45? 3) Applying the Word - What does this chapter teach you about Gods activity in the course of human history? - How can the portrait of God in this chapter encourage us to trust God with our life and circumstances? 4) Responding in Prayer Pray for whatever message God has given you today. Thank, repent and ask for conviction. Take time to thank God for his control over the present and the future.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 04:29:21 +0000

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