UTTAM SATYA DHRAMA PERFECT TRUTHFULNESS.==if we remove our vision - TopicsExpress


UTTAM SATYA DHRAMA PERFECT TRUTHFULNESS.==if we remove our vision from falsehood and concentrate on the absolute truth, all thoughtsof mine-thine or small big would vanish automatically. who is big and small?what is truth in that?if we consider the stream of reincarnations, all are identical. all are existing from very beginning. this is the only truth. if we develop equanimous feelings,we would have feelings of helping others all would come close to each other. in this way ,it would easy to know the Reality. today entire world is after those things which do not serve any purpose. it does not lead to the truth. storage of fathomless quantity of water is known as ocean. the ocean does not affected by formation and destruction of all kinds of waves. it remains as it is. some one may feel sad by seeing the waves;if it is a child , he may feel joy but one who is detached from the world, knows the truth. he thinks that life is decaying every moment like the decay of waves. infinite time is lost like this. the soul which is store of infinite bliss is not able to understand truth because of ignorance. a) If talking is not required, then do not talk. If it is required then only use the minimum of words, and all must all be absolutely true. Talking disturbs the stillness of the mind. Consider the person who lies and lives in fear of being exposed. To support one lie he has to utter a hundred more. He becomes caught up in a tangled web of lies and is seen as untrustworthy and unreliable. Lying leads to an influx of paap karma. b) Satya comes from the word Sat, which means existence. Existence is a quality of the soul. Recognising the soul’s true nature as it really exists and taking shelter in the soul is practising Nischay Satya Dharma. जब व्यक्ति क्रोध, अहंकार, माया-चारी एवं लोभ को नियंत्रित कर लेता है, तो सहज ही उसके जीवन में सत्य का अवतरण होता है। फिर उसकी ऊर्जा कभी भी क्रोध आदि के रूप में विघ्वंसक रूप धारण नहीं करती। सत्य को धारण करने वाला हमेशा अपराजित, सम्माननीय एवं श्रद्धेय होता है। दुनिया का सारा वैभव उसके चरण चूमता है। यह सब ‘उत्तम सत्य धर्म’ की ही महिमा है। This day celebrates UttamSatya meaning SupremeTruthfulness Shloka: कठिन वचन मति बोल, पर-निन्दा अरु झूठ तज । सांच जवाहर खोल, सतवादी जग में सुखी ॥ उत्तम सत्य बरत पा लीजे, पर-विश्वासघात नहीं कीजे । सांचे झूठे मानुष देखो, आपन पूत स्वपास न पेखो ॥ पेखो तिहायत पुरुष सांचे, को दरब सब दीजिये । मुनिराज-श्रावक की प्रतिष्ठा, सांच गुन लख लीजिये ॥ ऊंचे सिन्हासन बैठि वसु न्रुप, धरम का भूपति भया । वच झूठ सेति नरक पहुंचा, सुरग में नारद गया ॥ Meaning: We should not speak harsh words, we should also completely refrain from criticism and lie. We should always speak the truth, a true person always remains happy. We should try to achieve supreme truthfulness, and should not deceive anyone. Today all kind of people exist, even our own son can betray us. Hence we should always help those who are truthful. A Sage or a Shraavak can be checked by the quality of truthfulness. By lying even a King can go to bad state (Hell etc), and even a poor person can get very good state (Heaven etc) by being truthful. We should try to be completely truthful and should never lie. We should also not hurt others from our words.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:07:05 +0000

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