UWS Running Format for Day 1 and Day 2 Events 2014 Day 1 - TopicsExpress


UWS Running Format for Day 1 and Day 2 Events 2014 Day 1 Note - it is advisable to bring/wear your swim kit for event 1. UPDATE - LOCATION FOR DAY 1 is New Beach, Durban Beachfront. This is about 0.5kms from Dairy beach. We have moved it due to condition of Dairy Event 1 12 Heats: 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30 Team at holding area at: 08.45, 09.15, 09.45, 10.15, 10.45, 1.15, 11.45, 12.15, 12.45, 13.15, 13.45, 14.15 Beach WOD 20 min time cap f-m-f-m-f-m 10 lengths kb drag (10 reps) 6 length, 1 Rope ascent 4 lengths 1 Rope ascent and 2 lengths, 1 Rope ascent (15 reps) 20x10m shuttle, burpee at each end (20 reps – shuttle + burpee = 1 rep) 21-15-9 sdhp and heel kickers (90 reps) 10 burpees +4 lengths farmers walk, 3 rds (42 reps – 1 per length and 1 per burpee) 9-6-3 dbl KB FR squat 2x32, commando pull ups (36 reps) Athlete 1 Athletes will begin in a holding area behind the rig, on the call of 3-2-1-go the first female athlete will begin by using the 2m rope provided and thread it through the 2 x 32kg KB and drag them along the beach lane for the required distance, the length will not be complete until the female athlete has used both ends of the rope provided to make contact with the lane marker, both ends must make contact at the same time. Athlete 2 Once the first female athlete has completed her drag she may sprint back to the holding area and release the first male athlete. The first male athlete will then make his way to complete 3 shuttle pair & 1 Rope ascent, 2 shuttle pair & 1 Rope ascent & 1 shuttle pair & 1 Rope ascent. The athlete must make contact behind the lane marker with both hands to complete a length and must begin his ascents from a seated position and feet off the floor. The ascent will not be complete till the athlete has made contact with the beam with both hands. Once complete athlete 2 will sprint back to the holding area and release the second Female athlete. Athlete 3 The second Female athlete will the proceed to complete 20x10m shuttle at each end she must be sure her chest touches the ground behind the lane markers provided and make sure whole body is over the line. Once complete she may then sprint to release the third male athlete. Athlete 4 The second male athlete then may proceed to complete 21-15-9 sdhp and heel kicker, he must collect one of the kettlebels and carry it to under the rig where he will start his SDHP and HK. The SDHP must begin by touching the ground and end with the handle of the Kettlebell touching at least the clavicle, elbows must be above the KB when contact with clavicle is made and hips & knees must be fully extended. The Heel kickers will begin with the athlete hanging from the bar, fully extended and the heels behind the midline. The rep ends when the athlete touches his feet above the bar. Once complete the athlete will sprint to release the final female athlete. Athlete 5 Once released the final female athlete will then collect the KB under the rig and take it to the beginning of the lane. She will then preform 10 burpees, lift the 2 x 32 kg KBs and farmers carry them 4x10m shuttles. She must cross the end of the lane with both feet before she returns. She will then repeat this for three rounds. Once complete she will run back to the holding area and tag the last male athlete. Athlete 6 The final male athlete will then sprint to the 3x32kg Kettlebells clean them both and perform his round of 9 dbl KB Fr Squats, followed by his 9 commando pull ups then his rounds of both 6 and 3 respectively. Once he is complete he may sprint back to the holding mat. Only once all 6 athletes are back in the final holding area does the time stop. The score will be the time taken to complete the workout or 20:00 plus any uncompleted reps. Event 2 Swim 12 Heats: 9:40, 10:10, 10:40, 11:10, 11:40, 12:10, 12:40, 13:10, 13:40, 14:10, 14:40, 15:10 Specific details to be released closer to the time but you will be swimming Event 1 and 2 running format Team captains only will register their team for their heat with staff member. Five minutes before heat start time the teams will be introduced and guided to their lanes Once teams finish their event 1 heat and sign judges scoresheet they proceed immediately from their lanes to exit area and the team captain then registers their team for event 2 with the staff member. They have 5 minutes from end of their heat to register with exit staff member and register for event 2. IF THEY ARE NOT THERE THEN THE TEAM IS NOT REGISTERED FOR EVENT 2. Staff member will walk all teams across to event 2 and hand over to event 2 holding staff member. Event 2 holding staff will again confirm teams are at arena. Teams must be registered 10 minutes prior to their heat start time. Five minutes from start of event 2 heat the teams will be introduced and guided to their lanes Once teams finish event 2 and the team captain has signed the scoresheets the teams proceed immediately from the arena to outside of the arena. Day 2 Squat Clean to Overhead 5 Heats: 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 Teams need to be at holding area 7.45, 8.15, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45 Event 3 ((07:30 - 10:00) 24 teams) 8 min for every member of your team to establish their 1RM Clean & Jerk 2 min rest then into Event 4 10 min AMRAP Thrusters 60/40 kg Events 3&4 will run concurrently. There will be 24 platforms placed in the arena. Each of the 24 teams will have 8 mins to establish their 1RM SC2OH each, each team member will have as many attempts as the 8 min time cap allows. Athletes can lift in any order they choose. The team will have one bar between them. Score for event 3 will be the combined total of each team members max lift. Only one team member may be on the platform at one time. Any reps performed while another team member is on the platform will not be counted. Once the 8 min time cap is reached athletes will have 2 mins to set their bars to 60/40kg and be ready for their 10 min AMRAP. On the call of 3-2-1-go the team will have 10 mins to do as many thrusters as possible, only one bar will be on the platform, should the team want to have a lady attempt reps they will be responsible for ensuring that the correct weight is on the bar. Only one team member may be on the platform at one time. Any reps performed while another team member is on the platform will not be counted. Should the weight not be correct none of the reps performed will count. Score will be the total reps accumulated in the allotted 10 min. Event 5 (10:30 - 14:30) 12 Heats: 10:40, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, 12:00, 12:20, 12:40, 13:00, 13:20, 13:40, 14:00, 14:20 Teams must be in holding area 15 mins before their start time to register. The holding area will be behind the warm up and physio area. Teams need to be at holding area at: 10.25, 10.45, 11.05, 11.25, 11.45, 12.05, 12.25, 12.45, 13.05, 13.25, 13.45, 14.05 Five minutes before heat start time teams will be let to their lanes Once the heat is over the team captain signs score sheet and teams exit at the opposite end to the holding area. 12 min time cap 50 KB Snatches 24/16kg 100 dbl unders 50 pistols 100 T2B 50 bar Muscle Ups Event 5 begins with all athletes on the starting mat, on the call of 3-2-1-go any athlete may begin the Snatches, and the workout will be completed in the order as shown. The team may not move on to the next station until all the reps on the pervious station are complete. The stations will be set up with the Snatches the furthest away from the rig, then the double unders, then pistols, then lastly the T2B and muscleups. Any athlete may do any rep but only one athlete may work at a time and only 2 team members may be in the field of play at a time. While one athlete is working the other may run back to the start mat to tag his/her teammate but 4 athletes must be on the start matt at all times. Time will be called once the last muscle up has been completed and all 6 team members are back on the start mat. Should the team not complete the workout the score will be the time cap plus any uncompleted reps. CUT TO 80 Event 6 (15:00-17:00) 8 Heats: 15:00, 15:20, 15:40, 16:00, 16:20, 16:40, 17:00, 17:20 Teams must be in holding area 15 mins before their start time to register. The holding area will be behind the warm up and physio area. Teams need to be at holding area at: 15.00, 15.20, 15.40, 16.00, 16.20, 16.40, 17.00, 17.20, Five minutes before heat start time teams will be let to their lanes Once the heat is over the team captain signs score sheet and teams exit at the opposite end to the holding area. m-m-m-f-f-f 10 min time cap 9:6:3 – 36 reps per athlete Shoulder to Over Head 70/45kg Pull ups Athletes will begin on the start mat. On the call of 3-2-1-go the first male athlete will begin by preforming 9:6:3, S2OH @ 70 and Pull ups. Once complete he will run to the opposite end of the arena. Once on the finish mat he will release the second male athlete, he will repeat the cycle to release the third male athlete. Once the last male athlete has reached the finish mat he will release the first female athlete, she will then preform 9:6:3, S2OH @ 45 & Pull ups. Once complete she will run to the opposite end of the arena to release the second female athlete, she will repeat the cycle to release the third female athlete. Time will be called once the last female athlete is on the finish mat. If the team fails to complete all reps the score will be the time cap plus any uncompleted reps. CUT TO 60
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:25:30 +0000

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