Ucapan YB Dato Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein Officiating the - TopicsExpress


Ucapan YB Dato Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein Officiating the Participation of Malaysian Government Furnished Equipment in Underwater Search Operation – MH370 Perth, Australia - 22 October 2014 Good morning ladies and gentlemen, We’ve often referred to this search operation as ‘unprecedented’ – never in the history of mankind has there been a more complex search than the search for MH370. However, the fact that 26 countries have come together at its peak to search for our missing airplane, assets that have never been seen before taking part in a complex multinational search – P3 Orions parked next to P8 Poseidons and Chinese Ilyushins - and stakeholders that don’t necessarily have that much in common united for a common cause, are all ‘unprecedented’ in their own unique way. Malaysia, a small but proud nation has pioneered the way forward - not without criticism, showing the world that we can all work together, in the greater spirit of humanity and camaraderie. In the beginning, notwithstanding our limitations - our commitment to find MH370 was the driving factor in ensuring that Malaysia would always remain focused. Despite numerous obstacles and setbacks, we have not strayed from that focus. This is a testament to Malaysia’s inclusiveness in the next phase of this unprecedented search effort and it is our ardent hope that this commitment into the search brings us one step closer towards finding MH370. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to be here this morning on the GO Phoenix Vessel. I’m thrilled to meet the vessel operators and subsea scientists from Hydrospheric and Phoenix International. Yesterday, I was presented on the capabilities of the ProSAS Side Scan Sonar (Aperture System) from Phoenix International. It is no doubt one of the best and most advanced technological systems to date for subsea search and Malaysia could not have chosen a better asset to deploy. On that note, I wish to express my gratitude and acknowledge the commitment made by PETRONAS and DEFTECH since my first discussion with them in May 2014 on the idea for collaboration between Malaysian entities and Phoenix International. I applaud their effort for making the idea a reality today and it makes me proud to see Malaysian entities involved in this effort, on the same page, working as one team and flying the Malaysian flag to find MH370. I also would like to express my sincere thanks to the JACC, the ATSB and Phoenix International for making the deployment of this asset possible. Sincerity, a common objective and trust was key and I will not forget all your contributions thus far. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to highlight that Malaysia highly appreciates the close cooperation we received from the Australian and Chinese Government. Malaysia, together with Australia and China, will continue to do our utmost and our top priority remains with the search for MH370. The waters may be choppy at times and this relationship will be tested, but if we stay true to the cause, my experience has shown me that nothing is impossible to overcome. Indeed, we are fortunate not to be alone in this and the search is a concerted effort between our three nations. We remain together in facing this task to find the missing airplane. But the fact remains that MH370 has not been found and all the good that has come from the search pales beside this inescapable fact. Words mean little but the families and friends of those on board MH370 remain in our thoughts and prayers. We cannot even begin to understand the pain and anguish that they are going through. It must be stressed however that all that could have been done up to this point to find the plane has been done. Specialised committees have been set into place, expert groups have been formed, assets have been mobilised. However, let me assure you that MH370 will not be forgotten, that the work thus far will not have been in vain and we, by the Grace of Allah SWT, will one day get to the bottom of this tragedy. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank PETRONAS, DEFTECH, GO Marine, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC), the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), the Malaysian High Commission, the Fremantle Port Authority and everybody else who have been with us from the start for making todays event possible Indeed, we cannot give up hope. We must continue to hope for sometimes, hope is all we have. We will find MH370. As always, my deepest sympathies and kindest thoughts remain with the family members- wherever they may be. Thank you & God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:17:16 +0000

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