Uganda May God Uphold Thee! EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic Scenes as - TopicsExpress


Uganda May God Uphold Thee! EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic Scenes as Museveni, Mbabazi Attend Cabinet There was drama on Wednesday as dozens of Ministers were subjected to thorough physical checks at the Cabinet library, underlining President Museveni’s growing restlessness as he moves to drop a section of Ministers in the upcoming reshuffle. Amama Mbabazi and Museveni at the Presidential farm in Ngoma during the recent Kyankwanzi retreat Usually, security ensures Ministers accessing President’s office at Parliament have their cars checked with the general Convex Reflector at the main gate. They also go through walk-through metal detectors at the main entrance of Parliament. On Cabinet days, the Ministers’ big files and bags are checked with the X-Ray full reflector. After getting through these checks, ministers always walk freely to the Cabinet Library (room) on the ninth floor before taking their seats for discussions on matters of national interest. However, Ministers were shocked yesterday when they found tall and mean-looking security personnel plus a complete security system at the entrance of the Cabinet Library. Sources who attended meeting toldChimpreportsthat all ministers were again thoroughly checked by the security officials from the Special Forces Command. “The Ministers were lined up like school kids waiting for posho and porridge in the dining hall,” said a source. “They were checked in and out and all their files scrutinised.” For some Cabinet Ministers, this was the first time such a thing was happening. A few minutes after being thoroughly checked, President Museveni arrived to chair the meeting. It appears Museveni is stepping up his personal security amidst the unease in government ahead of the Cabinet reshuffle. More drama A Minister, who spoke to this website on condition of anonymity, said there was more drama when Mbabazi decided to abandon his official seat of Deputy Cabinet Chairperson during the cabinet session before taking a common seat like any other ministers. “The PM (Mbabazi) leaving his seat and joining us was strange to me. May be he just wanted to be close and chat with us as well but it still remains strange,” said a Cabinet Minister. Mbabazi was not readily available for comment when contacted on Thursday morning. The development comes at a time of bad blood between Mbabazi and Museveni. It is widely thought Mbabazi will not remain Prime Minister in the next Cabinet reshuffle. Mbabazi has previously denied planning to contest against Museveni but the President’s strategists say the NRM Secretary General’s loyalists have been mobilising support from the grassroots ahead of the 2016 elections. Via ChimpReports.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:16:41 +0000

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