Ugh. Healthy gurus make me want to slit my wrists. Those who use - TopicsExpress


Ugh. Healthy gurus make me want to slit my wrists. Those who use their platform to feel superior & spread their message that if you arent THEIR version of perfect than you are mediocre... Yall just keep drizzling nonsense out your ass, under the guise of trying to spread a healthy message. So heres the real deal. There are MANY ways that work. I just happened upon one that biology supports. That allows to me enjoy the occasional Mexican, pizza, chocolate and margarita. We can compare glute striations if ya wanna! While I dont post 18 selfies a day, its not because I dont have some worthy attributes. I just dont believe in tooting my own horn. But some purists have pissed me off tonight. Talking crap about people who say anything in moderation are just covering for the fact that they arent ready to do it the right way Ummm.... No. Screw that. I just believe in a life BEYOND counting macros and 6-part selfies. And guess what..... I just had a couple beers, am sitting down to steak now and I still have striated glutes. So rock the hell on with your purist vegan lifestyle, but I would WAY rather do it my way. And I 100% believe I stand a far better chance at attracting others to the lifestyle than your holier than though lifestyle. So with that, I lift my Guinness and say Cheers!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 23:26:20 +0000

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