started again at 4am...Ryan has that chemo burn again (on - TopicsExpress

   started again at 4am...Ryan has that chemo burn again (on top of the nausea). I know this is all part of it. I know he handles it in an amazing way, so strong. I know this will pass and this is all part of the process, one step closer to being cured...I GET all of that. However, it doesnt change the fact that I have to watch my son go through this crap and there isnt a darn thing I can do to help him. It just sucks! Praising God for giving me Ryan, this amazing young man with such strength and will. So grateful he doesnt whine and cry, so grateful he is old enough to understand why he is going through this and knows that one day this will be all over and he will have his healthy life back. Ok, my pity party is over...on to SJCH for our next round of chemo to kick Cancers Ass! No one or nothing is going to stop us from winning this battle! Today is going to be a day of good news...Ryans WBC will NOT be 116,000 like it was yesterday, that number is coming down! Ryan will have his chemo today and it will NOT make him even more sick than he has been. This chemo burn crap WILL be gone! God has Ryans back and today WILL be a good day for my boy! Enough said!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:03:48 +0000

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