Uh, folks - do you know the history of LBJ? He wasnt pulled by - TopicsExpress


Uh, folks - do you know the history of LBJ? He wasnt pulled by King so much as he was pushed by his own past of privation. It was more a matter of synchronicity - he became the President of the United States after JFK was assassinated - he put into play some things that had been in the back of his mind to do for eons. The Great Society, The Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Bill were extensions of that - he wanted to form an America that was for everybody - however, like President Obama, he had a hostile Congress, and they began to jump ship and do things to undermine his efforts. Had his executive orders been fulfilled the way he planned, we wouldnt even be having the kinds of issues we currently deal with today. Which, by the way, shows you the depths of the evil in this country. And we continue to vote them into office, buy their products, watch their shows, and allow them to miseducate our children. One of the things that Dr. Charles V. Hamilton emphasized when he was head of the Political Science Dept. of Lincoln University (PA), and legal counsel for SNCC, was that LBJ had done more for Civil Rights and Black people in his first 100 days, that JFK had done. And he used the power of the pen - that statement was made in 1966. Of cours, in so doing, he pissed off the red neck Democrats, who jumped the party and became repuglycons so that they could vote him out - it split the party, and was the biggest mass invasion of a rival party ever. The repuglycons you have now were originally red neck democrats. Additionally, as with Lincoln, I dont care what the catalyst or motivation was for him taking the actions he took - its the fact that he took them and they helped us. Its called Divine Intervention - you should learn to trust FAVOR when it happens. But I understand our penchant for being suspicious - whites have not done anything that we are bound to trust for the last four hundred years - there is generally some ulterior motive behind their moves - my Cherokee/Creek/Crow ancestors feel the same way - white man speak with forked tongue. In this case, it made all the difference in the world. And LBJ and MLK were on the same wave length - OK? Stay Blessed & ECLECTICALLY BLACK - Gloria
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:23:28 +0000

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