Uhm, Meera your bra strap is showing, he whispered discreetly in - TopicsExpress


Uhm, Meera your bra strap is showing, he whispered discreetly in her ears. She replied, visibly agitated, ohffo... Grow up Rajat! I know and its just a bra strap; Everybody knows I wear a bra, so they should be okay with it. She touched the purple strap and added, a little smugly, And anyway, I am making a feminist statement. Feminist statement? Rajat asked dumbfounded. Yes, I want men to realize that if my bra strap is visible it doesnt mean they can rape me. What?! So, you are flaunting your undergarments intentionally? Yes. Now move along or well miss the movie. She dragged a confused Rajat inside the hall. --- What the hell are you wearing? She hissed. You dont like it? Rajat said turning around. No. It looks cheap. Pull up your pants, the whole waistband of your underwear is visible. Relax, its the sagging pants trend. Pretty cool huh? Cool? Its disgusting. Underwear is called under wear for a reason, you know. I am glad you remember, he said pulling up his pants and rolling his eyes. ------- ------- And then, she just-- she stopped talking when she saw her husband staring at a womans legs as she passed by their table. For Gods sake Rajat! Can you stop ogling at women blatantly? I am sitting right here. Cmon Meera, I am just looking. And besides we have got married, I have not gone blind. As they say men will be men, he snickered. Meera hated that line and more than that she hated that Rajat used it to cover up his compulsive flirting habit. In the three years that they had been married, she had seen him flirting with countless women from unknown waitresses to common friends to work colleagues. She had listened to him addressing them with various terms of endearments and seen him walking with his hands around their waists. She had seen lovey-dovey messages and chats and listened to phone calls of him talking sweetly with someone or the other. She had told him numerous times that it made her uncomfortable but he always dismissed her concerns as irrational, terming his flirting harmless with his favorite men will be men line added at the end. She had absolutely had it with his so-called harmless flirting and decided to take matters in her own hands... and one day she got the chance she had been waiting for. They were dining out. After openly complimenting the waitress on her figure, Rajat excused himself to go to the restroom. Meera sat looking around bored. When Rajat returned he saw Meera laughing heartily with a man who left when he saw him approaching shooting daggers from his eyes. Meera bid the stranger a warm goodbye and put his business card in her bag. What the hell do you think you were doing? Rajat asked, sitting down. Nothing, just talking, Meera smiled. Do I have to remind you that you are married?! Lighten up Rajat, I was just talking. And as you say we have got married, I have not gone blind. He was a handsome man indeed, right? And besides it was just harmless flirting. Nothing serious, so chill. With these two posts, I dont intend to pass judgements - you want to flaunt your bra strap / underwear, please do! You want to flirt / ogle / have an affair after marriage, I couldnt care less. What I want to highlight are the double standards of both men and women in certain scenarios... I want you to realize and give a thought to the hypocritical attitude we sometimes adopt. If a woman wants to showcase her undergarments, a man should be allowed the same privilege (and vice versa). If a man can flirt after marriage, he should not throw a fit when his wife does so too. Reiterating the definition of Feminism I believe in Men = Women. There should me same rules for both the genders. Agree, dont agree? Do share your views...
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:47:44 +0000

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