Uhuru and kibaki are economists-They got no regard for your - TopicsExpress


Uhuru and kibaki are economists-They got no regard for your welfare! Why do you go to work? Why do you go to school? There may be many reasons, but at their core you probably go to work and school because you are self-interested. To be self-interested simply means that you seek your own personal gain. You go to work because you want to get paid so you can buy the things you want. You go to school so you can get a better job someday and earn more money to buy the things you want. In fact, most of the economic activity we see around us is the result of self-interested behavior. Adam Smith described it this way in his book, The Wealth of Nations: “It is not from the benevolence (kindness) of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” So why does the baker choose to bake? The answer is self-interest. The baker wants to earn enough money to feed his family and buy the things he wants and the most effective way he has found to do that is to bake bread for you. In fact his bread has to be good enough and the service friendly enough that you are willing to give up your money freely in exchange for his bread. The baker while serving his self-interest has produced a good that is very valuable to you. The miracle of a market system is that self-interest produces behavior that benefits others. Is being self-interested greedy? Is it immoral? While the term self-interest has negative connotations, it does not necessarily imply greedy or immoral behavior. Self-interest just means that you seek your goals. In fact, your self-interest might lead you to study hard for your math test, give money to your favorite charity or volunteer at a local school. In other words, you are on your OWN/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:29:36 +0000

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