UiTM IS ASSOCIATED WITH RACISM ONLY BY RACISTS I had a private message chat with a former UiTM lecturer, a non Malay. I do not want to reveal his name for fear of him being subjected to unkind remarks from brainless DAP supporters. (We saw the treatment they gave Alifah Ting when she spoke of ISMA in the gentlest manner. See Helen Angs blog). Mr S texted me: That was a lovely piece on UiTM. I taught [name of course subject] there for almost 30 years. Had many opportunities to interact with your dad. Glad to know that he is still active. Please convey my regards to him. Thanks. In my reply I apologised to Mr S in case I had offended anyone whom my post was not intended for, and his reply was touching: No, you didnt offend me at all. I loved being there and contributing to the nation. A lovely bunch of students year in year out. I am retired now but UiTM will always have a special place in my heart. It hurts to see people attacking it. May God bless them. God bless you too Mr S. The same lovely bunch of students will be described as racists by hate-filled DAP leaders and supporters. If UiTM was a racist insitution or if it was breeding racist students, surely Mr S would not have stayed for 30 years. Indeed he could even have earned more from other private universities or in industry. This says a lot for both UiTM and the people behind it. The sincerity, dedication and commitment of nation builders like Mr S is an example of a true Malaysian and patriot. Thank you, Sir. You know who you are.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 07:49:04 +0000

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