Ukraine: Mediation Berlin, NATO condemns Russian military - TopicsExpress


Ukraine: Mediation Berlin, NATO condemns Russian military buildup The head of German diplomacy on Tuesday urged Kiev and Moscow to respect the peace agreement in eastern separatist Ukraine, where NATO has denounced Russian very serious military buildup exacerbating fears of a total war . Tuesday performing a crucial visit to the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis first in Kiev and Moscow, Frank-Walter Steinmeier has forbidden Minsk agreements signed in September between separatist pro-Russian Ukrainians and with the participation of Russia and the OSCE . These agreements have allowed the establishment of a cease-fire now flouted daily. Minsk agreements are not perfect, but they are basic agreements. We have to respect these agreements, said Frank-Walter Steinmeier, whose remarks were translated into Ukrainian during a press conference in Kiev with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. This has accused Moscow of its grossly violating side agreements. The visit of Mr. Steinmeier, whose country is the main mediator between Kiev and Moscow, comes amid fears of a total war in the pro-Russian separatist East where violence knows no respite. Meanwhile in Brussels, Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, has accused Russia of continue to destabilize the Ukraine. Russia has a choice: either Russia can participate in a solution negotiated peace or it can continue on the path that will lead to its isolation, said he warned in arriving at a meeting with EU ministers Defense. We see the movement of troops, equipment, tanks, artillery systems and also modern anti-air defense, explained Mr. Stoltenberg. This is a very serious military buildup (...) both in Ukraine and the Russian side of the border, observed by NATO, but also by sources on the ground, as independent journalists or International observers from the OSCE, he added. Russian accusations of massive deployment progress for more than a week Kiev and Westerners are described as rants by Russian diplomacy, but the Ukrainian authorities say they are preparing for the worst case scenario in the conflict that has claimed more 4,100 dead since mid-April. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet with Steinmeier in the afternoon in Moscow ahead dampened hopes of lull in the crisis saying that we should not expect early immediate. We appreciate our regular dialogue with Germany, he said from Minsk. After the cold reception given to Putin last weekend at the G20 summit in Australia, Lavrov still hoped that relations between Russia and the European Union have not reached a point of no return. The Russian official also urged the Ukrainian authorities to respect the truce on September 5 but under daily assault by both parties, and engage in negotiations with the rebels. On the ground, trench warfare and artillery has intensified since the November 2 elections in the breakaway regions, which Moscow said respect while Kiev and Westerners have denounced as a serious obstacle to the process of peace. Six Ukrainian soldiers were killed and nine wounded in the last 24 hours, according to a new assessment of the staff of the anti-terrorist operation Ukrainian. According to the Ukrainian military spokesman Vladislav Seleznev, pro-Russian rebels fired 33 times on the positions of loyalist forces. And soldiers were killed in firing or after jumping, is again on small-scale mining. He said the insurgents pose actively mines in harms civilians, a relatively new tactic in guerrilla conflict punctuated by artillery and multiple-launch Grad rockets. Ukrainian soldiers fired especially near the town of Shchastya in the Lugansk region, which has a thermal power station and the airport of Donetsk of the Ukrainian forces and rebels are fighting for months. Donetsk International Airport, the scene of fighting since May and now almost destroyed, was completely rebuilt for the Euro 2012 football.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 14:52:55 +0000

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