Ukraine and the militarization of Europe: the EU is using the - TopicsExpress


Ukraine and the militarization of Europe: the EU is using the crisis, provoked by the US, Germany and NATO, to transform Europe into a military fortress./ Rebelling Donetsk and Lughansk Offer Kiev to Preserve Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity./ Kiev Coup is Collapsing. Ukrainian army and militias involved in the crackdown on east Ukraine are crushed by pro-Russian rebels./ China urges de-escalation of Ukraine crisis. :::::::::::::::::::: Ukraine and the militarization of Europe. The EU is using the crisis, provoked by the US, Germany and NATO, to transform Europe into a military fortress./ The conflict in Ukraine is being utilized to reshape political and social relations in Europe. In the process, the most right-wing forces, which have little support in the population, are setting the tone. They are using the crisis, provoked by the US, Germany and NATO, to transform Europe into a military fortress. They are not only risking nuclear war with Russia, but also subordinating Europe to an iron discipline. The NATO military alliance, dominated by the US, has virtually assumed control of European politics. At the end of this week, the biannual NATO summit, to be held in Wales, will agree a new strategic policy with historic implications. / Rebelling Donetsk and Lughansk Offer Kiev to Preserve Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity./ The rebelling Donetsk People’s Republic and Lughansk People’s Republic offered the Ukrainian government in Kiev to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity, provided that Kiev accepts a number of conditions, including the repealing of legislation that prohibited the use of Russian as second official language in predominantly Russian-speaking regions. The governments of the two self-proclaimed rebelling republics tabled their offer while local self-defense forces, over the course of the last week, inflicted crushing defeats against some of the Pravy Sector, Svoboda Party and oligarchs private militia who have been the primary military forces behind the aggression against the rebelling regions. A list of demands was tabled ahead of a meeting of the Ukraine contact group. The Ukraine Contact Group is holding a meeting in the capital of Belarus today, Monday, September 1. The representatives of the rebelling regions also added that any agreements should be based on the provisions of the Geneva Declaration of April 17, 2014, which Kiev signed, but so far failed to implement. / Kiev Coup is Collapsing. Ukrainian army and militias involved in the crackdown on east Ukraine are crushed by pro-Russian rebels. Once again we see Western aggression leaving nothing but death, destruction and broken states in its wake. There is the old saying that we all are supposed to learn from our mistakes in life, but that is a dead cliché now. We do just the opposite by repeating them over and over. How stupid is that? The Kiev Coup-meisterings are staggering around like a Spanish bull at the end of a Sunday fight, tired and bleeding. They seem to have no strategy other than lie after lie, their favorite being “The Russians are invading!!” If the military high command had the brains and the guts, they would do a counter-coup, crush the Right-Sector and the Oligarchs, and save what is left of the country. How do I know they don’t have the guts? If they did, they would have done it already. The West has pulled out all the stops to hide what is happening. Corporate media has gone propaganda all way in this fiasco. Kiev’s under-reporting of its killed and wounded has set a world record. Palace guard troops seem to be outfitted well and can fight accordingly. The regular units have Soviet-trained officers. The Right Sector battalions seem to prefer fighting unarmed civilians, and of course shelling them. When they are attacked, they give ground while retreating to the nearest regular army unit for support. The National Guard units seem to be on the end of the supply chain and with corresponding morale to show for it. I watched one video of a soldier demonstrating how to dress, roast and eat a snake. But frankly, I prefer the old fashioned lunch box. / China urges de-escalation of Ukraine crisis./ news.xinhuanet/english/china/2014-09/01/c_133612152.htm China urged parties involved in the Ukraine crisis to stay calm and prevent measures that may escalate tensions on Monday, following talks of new sanctions on Russia by the European Union. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters sanctions might cause new complexities rather than help solve the Ukraine crisis.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:09:57 +0000

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