Ukraine is a European Iraq, but in a more dangerous version with - TopicsExpress


Ukraine is a European Iraq, but in a more dangerous version with full legalization of fascism. Dear citizens of Europe, do you realize this fact Ukraine = European Iraq? You are very surprised at how things are going in Iraq - in the state, that has been destroyed by the U.S. military invasion. Are you surprised at that small bands of terrorists seize the vast territories, establish there power of the severe violence and terror? Are you surprised at how quickly their strength and scope of terror are increasing? Then try to understand: Ukraine is a European IRAQ! Not much time will pass and youll just be surprised at what will happen to your home, in Europe! Youll see how brazen Nazi gangs will terrorize your city, shoot people on the street and burn them in their homes with impunity and cynically, as the Nazis in Ukraine do. Youll try to protect yourself from the Nazis and will be surprised to find that you will be declared the terrorist and you will be shot out of airplanes, helicopters, tanks and grenade launchers. Why should this happen? Because you are blinded and deprived of consciousness. Pop-culture has achieved its initial goal. The results of public opinion polls showed that you have lost the ability to react to events and see the meaning of what is happening so much so that now anything can be done with you! It is a medical and the military fact to be used by elite of U.S. and UK who has been poisoning you by pop-culture for the last 60 years. This poison has destroyed your mind and you have become slaves, who are not able to notice the fact of enslavement. Proof??? At first you have forgiven U.S. elite the destruction of Iraq, although the U.S. government has recognized laughing that it has deceived the whole world when it was planning attack on this country and the destruction of the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Why did you forgive? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Because you are already unable to grasp the meaning of what is happening. Then the U.S. destroyed Libya. And you forgave again and even approved. Why? Then the United States tried to turn Egypt into the country of bloody chaos. You have forgiven again. Then the U.S. unleashed terror and civil war in Syria. You forgave again and even applauded. Now the U.S. are rapidly arming the terrorists of the most violent factions of the world to create in Iraq the first in the world full-fledged terrorist state, while pretending that the U.S. are not the creators of this state, and vice versa the opponents. Why is this possible? Why do you believe in this and allow this to happen??? Because you have drowned in a swamp of pop-culture. And you have lost the ability to think, analyze, draw conclusions, to take action. And therefore you have not noticed that today Ukraine is a European Iraq. You have forgiven Ukrainian fascists incredibly cynical mass crimes and thus have helped the U.S. tomorrow to arrange the same tragedy in your home, in all European countries. Wake up, shake off the hypnotic poppier dream. This dream is a terrible disease, which ends by suffering and painful death. Understand that today you have still time to wake up. Tomorrow there will be no time. Pop-culture will destroy the last vestiges of your mind and you will be slaves forever! Together with your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Because such time is now. Modern technologies of destruction of people and destruction of consciousness have achieved such high achievements that if a mad world financial elite one day will make you a slave, you will have no chance at getting rid of slavery nor in 100 years nor in 1,000 years. Such are the current circumstances. Todays highest scientific achievements serve exactly this purpose! This is not a movie and not a fantasy. This is a fact of YESTERDAY! Your enslavement has been happening for 60 years by using of media as a weapon of mass destruction, by using the priority of pop-culture in journalism, movies, theater, music, literature, science, art, philosophy, in medicine - everywhere, in all spheres of activity. As well as using modern means of gathering information that allow to spy on your every move, every word, every phone call, what you read, listen to, what you talk about and with whom... Slavery is not a terrible future of Europe, but a sad present. Just in this sad present there is a chance to escape from slavery! But in the future there wont be a chance! Wake up, European friends. Look at how peaceful and happy country Ukraine turned into bleeding and explosive EUROPEAN IRAQ with full legalization of fascism! Show that consciousness of the European still lives and breathes, that your mind is not completely destroyed!!! Stop the impudent oligarchic world elite until it has destroyed our common human future!!! https://facebook/permalink.php?story_fbid=910765742274251&id=837770726240420
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:19:36 +0000

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