Ukrainian media gave the fire fighters from Russia for the GRU, - TopicsExpress


Ukrainian media gave the fire fighters from Russia for the GRU, who fought in the DNI # ANNA_news_Ukraina Journalists used in the article photo Russian Alexey Marenco playing airsoft, presenting it as a commando. The fact that a firefighter from Russia became the anti-hero of the article in Ukrainian news portal Informator, Alex Marenco learned from a friend, who threw him a link to the material. In the article titled Donetsk airport storms GRU Russian journalists posted a photo allegedly of Russian commandos. In fact, Ukrainian correspondents used photographs from the personal archive of fire near Moscow. - When I saw the pictures, I was shocked. No relation to the GRU spetsnaz do not have, and all of these pictures were taken during airsoft sovernovany that I am fond of, - said Alexei. - Airsoft participants also buy yourself form, gear, buy their toy machines. For me its just a hobby. As it turned out, this is not the first time that the photographs from the competition airsoft Ukrainian information sites used, if they are the image of the military. Friends tell Alex that several times already noticed in the Ukrainian media photos of their friends who also fell into confusion disinformation. - Airsoft community is very large, if any information leaks, people notice it - says Alex. - Anyway, everyone knows each other, often overlap at the games and begin to discuss this topic in the airsoft community. In preparing the material enterprising Ukrainian journalists specially cut picture Alexey so that the points that are must-have accessory for the game of airsoft, did not get the shot. It is for this attribute can immediately determine that everything else is not a military uniform gear, and refers to the normal set of clothes for the popular extreme hobby. Alex himself has 8 years of experience in fire protection, besides airsoft there is another entertaining and rewarding hobby. Alex, along with colleagues found themselves on fire helmet camera to capture the quenching process in the first person and all his videos brave firefighter puts on his account on YouTube. The conflict in Ukraine Alexey have their own opinions. - Im pretty patriotic people and respect their roots, so I especially sad that bratyav Slavs all this is happening. A lot of panic in the information resources. In Ukraine, too inflate the whole situation from the media - says Alex. - Yesterday I was a journalist friend told me that in Ukraine attacked your colleague. For me it is alien - take a persons health and lives the more, because they do not give it to her. Once I found a video where a crowd of Ukrainians beat the driver of fire protection service right next to the car. They kicked him and shouted that he was falling in my Russia. For what? He is the fire brigade, he came to ensure their safety. About the reaction to the article Alex Marenco says with a smile. - That, honestly, is simply ridiculous. Journalists seem to pursue such a way some of his interests, but if they want something to tell, then let predostavyat some real facts and not false pictures. When instead they collect photos of people like commandos, with publications Russian airsoft sites, it is at least silly and ridiculous. According to the fire, such provocations in Ukraine are engaged in people who have nothing to do. - Most likely these people have no normal operation, no other cases, they are just bored, so they create chaos - summed up the story Alex.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:00:50 +0000

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