#UkweliKE #StopSocialMediaHate via Francis Onyango KOwuor MY - TopicsExpress


#UkweliKE #StopSocialMediaHate via Francis Onyango KOwuor MY PLEA TO THE KIKUYU NATION I must regret the rising political temperatures which though rooted in the failures of the Jubilee government, but has been heightened by CORD politics which have so far only created platforms for incitement and threats without any solutions to the challenges facing our nation. But more serious is the emerging anti-Kikuyu feelings and prejudice which we all know are the precursors for tribal classes and internecine wars as was depicted in 2007/8 post election violence. Indeed as Kenyans we can be so forgetful at times. Be that as it may, I wish to once again appeal to the Kikuyu brothers and sisters to take a deep reflection on the political path they have traveled ever since the Union Jack was pulled down and our beautiful flag went up the skies. I wish to remind you that for the 51 years that Kenya has been independent, we have had a continuing 27 years of Kikuyu rule - forgive my generalization because its Kenyatta, Kibaki and Kenyatta and not the entire Kikuyu.. But as Kenyans you understand my point. Behind these rules were massive mobilization and machinations among Kikuyu elites to retain the presidency within the Community, starting with Kiambu Mafia who never wanted the presidency to cross Chania River. Under their watchdog were key leaders emasculated or assassinated because they were perceived as a threat to the mafia. In deed this went till Kenyatta died,and its out of sheer luck that Moi, a non-kikuyu became the second president of Kenya. One will notice a marked change in the 24yrs Moi rule where anti-Kikuyu feelings became extinct and Kenyans united together in 2002 to end Moi ruling under the captainship of Mwai Kibaki. For me this ought to have been the beginning of Kenyas golden age socially, economically and politically. But not long after this, another mafia - the Mt Kenya Mafia emerged and the Narc Government which could have been the most inclusive government in post-independent Kenya became another Kikuyu affair. And this culminated in 2007 PEV that saw massive losses in life and properties. The darkest time for our beautiful nation caused by a small political cartel that insisted on retaining the presidency against the wishes of Kenyans. First forward to 2013 elections which was again commandeered by a Kikuyu son not because he was the best leader, not because he was committed to make Kenya a thriving Democracy and economy, but to forestall the journey to the Hague. And the results are there for all to see, unless you are still blinded by ethnic loyalty. The consequences of all these is that many people from other communities have viewed the Kikuyu as the bastion of Neo-colonialism, with many also feeling that all that is wrong in their lives is because of the Kikuyu. Personally I think that as much as such feelings are misplaced, it behooves the community to reflect on them and honestly evaluate to the extent to which they may have played a role in giving root to such prejudices. This is not the time to potion blame or find justifications. This is the time to look at the corners of character failure and weaknesses and make corrections. Do it for this generation, do it for the coming generation, and do it for me. I love the Kikuyu from the depth of my heart, but no positive relations can obtain in an environment of suspicion and mistrust. Kenya is more important than us. There are many sacrifices we can make for this nation. The Kikuyu nation as the first son of Kenya must decide to sacrifice for the well-being of Kenya. If you dont do it now, you will do it somehow however belated. Pray that the fortune of the gods will be on your side.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:12:36 +0000

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