Ultimate free energy 31 December - TopicsExpress


Ultimate free energy 31 December 2014 jonsthings.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/ultimate-free-energy.html Is a hydrogen plasma! Trouble years increases so much energy. Every Corona in the universe is a hydrogen or helium plasma. A lightning bolt is a steam plasma! We C2 to the turbulent flow of hydrogen ions. So it is a diluted hydrogen plasma. Itself sustains at only four atmospheres. In a hydrogen plasma, we get the amalgamation of protons and electrons. They form the composite particle of a neutron. 1 H++e- ->n0 These enrich other hydrogen ions. Above tritium, with the exception of 5H, zones are radioactive 2 1H++r n0 ->1+rH+->Er3+L+Xray+s n0 Each neutron has a mass of a proton. He each nuclear fission of hydrogen, releases six times the number of protons converted into free energy. Man is the energy of the X ray. This is a fantastic system to study. We produce no solid waste. The neutrons loop back to enrich other hydrogen ions. We establish the plasma at two atmospheres, and then it selfsustains. Turning regular hydrogen into near the unlimited energy. We use a high Jim plasma to drive a steam cycle. And use a minuscule amount of current to the electrolysis of regular water. We sell the oxygen and gas companies, as he has high value! We are only concerned with the hydrogen ions. He each hydrogen fission going to release a minimum of 6 W.. A hydrogen atom is also my Newt we’re going to utilise only 1000th of a liter of hydrogen every year. We are using the plasma to are mined matter into heat and electromagnetic radiation. We employ no over expensive carbon fuels. Burning carbon fuels is a very week form of molecular nuclear fusion 3 Cm(H2O)n+T=>mCO2+pH2O+(n-p)(He+O+E2+L+Xray) There is no chemical source of visible light. Chemistry can only produce low infra red. All unds emits visible light and X rays. Because you’re doing nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion of hydrogen is half as energetic as hydrogen fission. So burning fossil fuels is a very deficient technology. Hydrogen fission is 160 times as energetic. June 20 times as energetic as uranium fission. The exact number depends on exact isotopes of hydrogen we are producing! Suns interior is do nuclear fusion. And build the heavy elements. The light emission comes from the Corona! Which does hydrogen and helium fission. Then fission produces two atoms of hydrogen, that fission into visible light, electromagnetic radiation and heat. I was taught in 1982 at Sheffield University the simplest way he to prove nuclear fusion on earth: this predated professor Argent inventing the term molecular nuclear fusion. He fired by the name 2004. As a result of my Ph.D 2000: which got ended, at Sheffield University realise the world have been cooling since 1995. 2004 team was not a one year. 1976 was so much hotter. Three months of blazing sun. 1938 was even more. The people in many such scientific rubbish are more concerned with getting funding from nuclear power. For fabricating manmade global warming. 15 years after the natural climate started cooling. These people are the enemy years of science! Global photosynthesis has fixed free carbon dioxide in the global air at only two parts per million since the little ice age ended. During the glaciation free carbon dioxide was at twice the level. Burning the fossil fuels has increased modern biology. I have no conceivable affect on the gas composition of the air all the weather! People are going for manmade global warming are suffering from severe, neigh terminal lack of basic high school education. Nature controls the trace level of carbon dioxide no global air. Man has no import into the system! Burning the fossil fuels merely increases modern life on earth. Which results in lower seas, and a more temperate climate. A static trace of carbon dioxide in the global air the man made climate change is intellectually derelict and totally spurious. But now we have access to the water fossils in the universe. Hydrogen fission. A high Jim plasma enriches is an hydrogen isotopes. Which fission into massive amounts of energy, light and X rays. Least 20 times the energy density of hyper toxic uranium fission. A hydrogen is produced using a minuscule amount of the produced current. And water is basically free! So the gas to charge the plasma is basically free to us. We produce no solid toxic waste. We burn no hyper are expensive fossil fuels. They are such emergency energy source. A massively overpriced. Any physics high school in the world can produce a high Jim plasma in the worst any practical class. For sixth form high school pupils. It is that easy. It may take years man access to unlimited free power. Without any fossil fuel burn. And definitely no hyper toxic uranium fission. Jonathan Thomason JonThm9@aol
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:55:37 +0000

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