Ultimately Joyce D. Mensahs success in her elaborate fraud scheme - TopicsExpress


Ultimately Joyce D. Mensahs success in her elaborate fraud scheme is a reflection of a deep seated national ill which has helped many people before her dupe a lot of us. I remember not long ago when Foster the Fraudster came with his woow achievements and got websites and national TV station giving him platform without a single background check. Please, let me ask.... the various companies that supported her ambassadorial works....did anyone open a file for her? A file containing verified information on her HIV status? If no then, I am wondering how any serious legal claims can succeed against her if all you have to send to court is a letter from her and money to her. On what basis was this money disbursed? Because she wrote a beautiful letter and said she was HIV positive and was promoting what? Oh who remembers the expression My Lord you and I were not there? And you expected to win the case? How many government cases have been thrown out of court because the police and state prosecutors brought an apology of evidence? We are not meticulous as a people.... me and you.... And we dont understand why whites exploit us. And for me.... I cant discuss anything without bringing in the family. This attitude which has led to many gargantuan fraud cases against the nation, has also plagued our individual homes. We do not ask questions, we do not interrogate issues. We take everything on the surface of it. We are not a curious nation. I get to speak with a lot of young people about their relationships and I realise the thin line between personal bliss and heartache was a question. Ask it....dig deep.... find out. We either fear what people will say when ask questions, or we are unwilling to break a sweat to protect our own hearts and liberties. Oh when we get to the bridge we will cross.... my classic answer has always been, what if you get to the bridge and you cant cross it? Thats like how many kilometres of your energy wasted.... not to talk of the time and resource opportunity cost. Most women and men are disillusioned in their marital homes because traits and figures that did not add up were left unaudited. But it does not get better. It gets worse. Wives do not want to be called nagging hags so they allow their men to be. Men want to keep their ego and fulfil the politically correct requirement that a man does not talk too much. So deep seated issues are treated as a cat treats its threats, whilst the dogs in us are caged in sound proof rooms of our hearts. We cry inside and yet pretend we are ok on the outside. Just spill it out already...let them call you what they want. I would rather say I did my best rather I could have done better. Try and dig deep. What do you have to lose by insisting on knowing? Soon, someone will pick a pack of explosives and go to a packed shopping mall and blow it up and he would have walked past security men talking on their cellphones and idling around because they were not curious enough.... just like how Ruby did it with the Whitish Substance suspected to be Cocaine.... PG Sebastian.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 12:14:57 +0000

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