Um, cuz me. ((Raises paw)). May I do my Show & Teww now? Fank you. - TopicsExpress


Um, cuz me. ((Raises paw)). May I do my Show & Teww now? Fank you. ((Walks to the front of the PAW Clubbers with her pictures.)) So my Mama gwew up goin to a pwace cawwed Ocean City in da Summers. Dats in NJ where she gwew up. Dey caww it down da showe, not da beach. Just cwawifyin terminowogy befow I continue. Anyway, dats whewe Mama and Papa and Gwammie went a coupwe weeks ago! Dis a speshuw pwace acuz it has a gweat big boawdwawk...see? ((Passes around the picture.)) And dewes a wot ob fun fings to do on dewe. One ob da fun fings is to went a suwwey! Wook how coow ((passes around pictures)). You wide it wike a bicycwe and dewes eben a suwwey wane on da Boawdwawk too! Dewes awso a wot ob yummy food on da Boawdwawk. Dese awe two ob Mamas fabowite pwaces ((passes pictuwes)). One makes taffy and candy, and da uddew makes pizza! Wook at dis guy fwippin da dough! He got skiwws! Mmm... And da uddew fun fing to do is go on da wides. Hewes a pictcha ob da big fewwis wheew and mewwy-go-wound Mama and Papa and Gwammie went on ((passes pictures)). I wike dose howsies! And finawwy, da most funnest fing is to go on da beach and in da ocean! Papa not wike da ocean so much, but Mama cant wait to go in and jump da wabes. Shes wike a fishie! Ocean City is da funnest pwace evew. Da end. Fank you.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:15:05 +0000

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