Um, here is a story I wrote about LJ a while back.. Its not too - TopicsExpress


Um, here is a story I wrote about LJ a while back.. Its not too good, but its appropriate for the page, lmao. Please, if youre going to hate, then dont. It was written when I was pretty young. Here it is... Cold. So cold. I couldnt feel my feet anymore. The snow on the ground was stained red by how much my bare feet had been bleeding. That song. That song echoed in my head as I ran. All... Around... The... mulberry... Bush... The Monkey... Chased... The... Weasel.. The Monkey... Thought... Twas.. All.. In.. Fun... Pop! Goes the weasel.. That laughter. That dreaded laughter. Hes got my baby girl and hes coming for me next... The stupid song echoed in my head as the laughter got closer. Stop! Leave me alone!!! I yelled as loud as I could. The cackle got louder. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground. I tried my hardest to get up, but I couldnt. I was too weak. I decided to crawl behind the nearest tree. Its a big forest. Surely he wouldnt find me here. The song echoed in my head louder as his laughter grew closer to me. I shut my eyes and held my head. Why is he after me? The laughter grew louder. But this time, there were two voices. It was his and a little girls. My eyes widened. Thats my baby girls laugh! I got up from the ground and kept running. Running away from the laughter. He took my daughter. Theres no way shes still alive. The laughter died down. I heard the song again. This time it was much slower and much creepier. All... Around... The... Mulberry... Bush... The... Monkey... Chased.... The... Weasel... The... Monkey... Thought... Twas... All... In... Fun... Then it stopped. Everything stopped and it suddenly got quiet. I was relieved. He had finally left me alone. Pop goes the weasel, a male voice whispered in my ear. Followed by that horribly psychotic laughter. I turned around quickly. I saw him standing there. He was much taller than I. This monochromatic clown had a huge grin on his face. His teeth were razor sharp. He laughed once again. This time it was more of a chuckle. A very maniacal chuckle. He pulled something from behind him. It was my baby girl!! She was holding his hand. She smiled at me. Daddy! Laughing Jack said that we are playing a game and youre the bad guy. She laughed. He has my daughter. My six year-old daughter. My baby girl. Laughing Jack grinned at me again. Jill, get away from him! Hes the bad guy! Tsk, tsk, tsk, Im the good guy. He laughed once more. Jill, say goodbye to your daddy... Forever! His maniacal laughter echoed in my head. He pulled out a knife and knelt down in front of my little girl. He smiled and stabbed her in the stomach numerous amounts of times. I tried to stop him. I had no defense against him. I had nothing to use to fight back. I tried everything that I could to get him to stop. Everything. Nothing seemed to work. All he did was laugh and continue to hurt her. My phone! Wheres my phone?! I checked my pockets and it was nowhere to be found. I found it lying in the snow next to my bare feet. I picked it up and dialed 911. What was I going to say? Just tell them that Laughing Jack killed my daughter... 911, whats your emergency? My daughter! Its my daughter! Shes been brutally murdered. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. He killed her... He killed my baby girl... I told the dispatcher where I was and she said that help was on the way. I looked back at my daughter and Laughing Jack was gone. He had completely disappeared. I heard his laughter once more. Youre... Next, he whispered in my ear. I quickly turned around and he wasnt there. His laughter still echoed in my ears. That maniacal laughter. I ran to Jill. Her breath was in shutters. Shes still alive! My little girl is still alive! I held her in my arms with no intention of letting her go. Im sorry. Im so sorry, I mumbled over and over again as tears poured out of my eyes. She was all that I had left... Now, shes gone. Shortly after that incident, I was put in a mental institute. Hes alive! Hes out there! Im not crazy! I yelled in hopes that someone would believe me. No one believes me. Hell, I wouldnt believe myself. I do sound crazy. But I know that hes still out there. From time to time, I hear that maniacal laughter echoing throughout my head... I also hear that song... That song keeps getting louder and louder every night. I seem to be the only one that hears it... It echoes throughout my cell at night. All... Around... The mulberry bush... The monkey chased the weasel... The monkey thought twas all in fun.... And then it stops.. There is no music after that. I can still hear him saying youre next. I am next. Laughing Jack is out to get me and there is nothing I can do to stop that. This is my last farewell to you all. This is real. Laughing Jack is real and he will not hesitate to come after you either. Be careful. Goodbye... Possibly forever. ~Laughing Jack~
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 00:08:12 +0000

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