Um, if taxpayers are paying for it, Maam, it assuredly IS - TopicsExpress


Um, if taxpayers are paying for it, Maam, it assuredly IS taxpayers business! Dylan Byers at Politico: you know, they came into office claiming theyre gonna be the most transparent administration ever, and theyre not. Theyre not even close. Dylan Byers is a little miffed that there is no press accompanying Michelle Obama and the two daughters and her mother to visit the ChiComs. This is unprecedented, but the Obamas say, Hey, its a private family vacation. Weve got Secret Service. You dont need to be with us. Nothings happening over here. You dont need to see it. But the press is saying, Wait a minute. You guys promised to be the most transparent administration ever. Dylan Byers: On Tuesday night, The New York Times reported that no reporters would be traveling with First Lady Michelle Obama to China, and that she would be giving no interviews while there. Nicholas Kristof, the Times columnist, called the First Ladys decision a mistake, and said it signals weakness or fear of coverage. If youre not gonna take the press, what are you afraid of? Thats what theyre saying. I mean, whats Michelle gonna be doing over there that she doesnt want the press to know about? They must be afraid of something, and theyre trying to warn Michelle and the Regime: This is the coverage youre risking here by not taking us along.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 01:29:13 +0000

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