Umar Bin Al-Khattab (R.A) : Our Beloved Prophet Muhammaed - TopicsExpress


Umar Bin Al-Khattab (R.A) : Our Beloved Prophet Muhammaed (sas) made supplication to Allah Subhana Tala out of two umars, give hidayath to atleast one umar. Allah has accepted the prayer of our beloved Prophet. Umar Bin Khattab accepted Islam. (and other umar was abu jahal). Upon his entering in Islam, angels in heavens were joyed and were greeting each other marhaba. umar was second in the list of ashratul mubashrat(glad tidings for ten sahaba to enter Jannah, what ever they do). He was the best person on earth after Abu Baker Siddiqu (R.A). Prophet gave him tiltle of farooq means, to judge right from wrong. He has great Ghaira (self respect). Ayesha (R.A) reported that, Prophet told her, numbers of stars (in sky) are the hasanat of umar. (meaning, countless hasanats). Umar was selected as Khalifa of Abu Baker. During the counsiling muslims intentions were, umar is tough (hard) in nature. But abu baker informed, the burden of Khalifat (responsibilities) shall remove his hardness and he was absolutely right. He became second Caliph of Momineen. But he insist muslims to call him only Ameer ul Momineen (Leader of Momineen) round ten years and more, assisting from Al- Madina, as a head quater. Umar has extraordinary talent and qualities. He use to stay with prophet one day learning and other day for bread and butter earn. Umar was a Hafiz of Quran kareem. He use to become sick for days, upon pondering on its meaning and cry during its recitation, even when leading the prayers in congr- egation. There were several occasions, umar wishes particular matter (included) shall be part of Islam, Allah has revealed revelation to our Prophet as positive. Some verses even matches to the extent (same words), as how umar has uttered. Hafsa (R.A) reported, umar wish to go out for expeditions (Jihad) but senior sahabas bring him back each time, reminding him you need to be in Madina and you are our Amir. Upon his return back home, again and again, hafsa use to laugh and tell her father, what happen you return back this time also, with out Jihad. Umar has (only) migrated to madina declaring openly. Umar use to supplicate, to die for the cause of Allah(Alone) (shahadad) and in Madina only. With in no time, umar has spread Islam almost in three parts, of the world covering around 1,200,000 sq.miles. Great historians declared, if umar had continued for another span (rule) the whole world would have enjoined Islam as the only religion, producing peace and prosperity, all times. Allah has accepted the supplication made by umar, and was stabbed by jewish boy Lulu, while leading fajr salah in Al-Madina. In the state of unconciousness also, umar was insisting muslims to carry on salah.., is there time still left for salah.., let me perform salah..,etc, (R.A). Imam Bukhari has registered in his Sahih, commencing Ahadith (narration) from umar (r.a) making people to understand, umar beleive in Ahadiths very much not only Quran. Narrated by Umar bin Al-Khattab I heard Allahs Apostle saying, The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended... (V1:H1) We used to compare the people as to who was better during the lifetime of Allahs Apostle . We used to regard Abu Bakr as the best, then Umar, and then Uthman. (Sahih Bukhari, V5:H7) We have been powerful since Umar embraced Islam. (Sahih Bukhari, V5:H33) When umar founded an endowment he stipulated that its administrator could eat from it and also feed his friend on the condition that he would not store anything for himself from it. (Sahih Bukhari, V4:H38) .... umar took hold of his hand and said, Has Allah not forbidden you to offer the funeral prayer for the hypocrites? The Prophet said, I have been given the choice for Allah says: (It does not avail) Whether you (O Muhammad) ask forgiveness for them (hypocrites), or do not ask for forgiveness for them. Even though you ask for their forgiveness seventy times, Allah will not forgive them. (9.80) So the Prophet offered the funeral prayer and on that the revelation came: And never (O Muhammad) pray (funeral prayer) for any of them (i.e. hypocrites) that dies. (9. 84) Allahs Apostle said, While I was sleeping, I saw myself drinking (i.e. milk), and I was so contented that I saw the milk flowing through my nails. Then I gave (the milk) to Umar. They (i.e. the companions of the Prophet) asked, What do you interpret it? He said, Knowledge. (Sahih Bukhari, V5:H30) Allahs Apostle said, While I was sleeping I saw (in a dream) some people wearing shirts of which some were reaching up to the breasts only while others were even shorter than that. umar bin Al-Khattab was shown wearing a shirt that he was dragging. The people asked, How did you interpret it? (What is its interpretation) O Allahs Apostle? He (the Prophet ) replied, It is the Religion. (Sahih Bukhari, V1:H22) .... He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of Al-Hijab (Sahih Bukhari,V1:H148) .... Then Umar took the bucket and in his hands it turned into a very large bucket. I had never seen anyone amongst: the people who could draw the water as strongly as Umar till all the people drank their fill and.... (Sahih Bukhari, V4:H828) ....This palace belongs to umar bin Al-Khattab. I intended to enter it, and nothing stopped me except my knowledge about your sense of Ghira (self-respect (umar). umar said, O Allahs Apostle! Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you! O Allahs Prophet! How dare I think of my Ghira (self-respect) being offended by you? (Sahih Bukhari V7:H153) Lesson from Umar Bin Al-Khattab life (R.A) : In the time of jahaliya, umar took his daugter to burry her alive. umar recalls, when i was digging grave to bury my daughter, she use to remove dust from my beard. umar made sincear repentence to Allah and revart to Islam at the age of 33 years. Since then, umar never (ever) turn back into days of jahhliya. umar use to say, If hidaya is in the hands of humans, i would not have received it. But Hidaya is from Allah(Alone) only. We got Izzah (respect,honour,fame) because of Islam only. (i.e practising) May Allah grant umar with high ranks in firdous (r.a). Ameen. Abdullah Bin Umar (R.A) : Abdullah (bin umar) used to slaughter his sacrifice at the slaughtering place (i.e the slaughtering place of the Prophet ). Ibn umar said, Allahs Apostle used to slaughter (camels and sheep, etc.,) as sacrifices at the Musalla. (Sahih Bukhari, V7:H459) Here, Ibn umar is strict adherence to sunnah of prophet. ... That the Prophet had said to her, Abdullah is a pious man. (Sahih Bukhari, V5:H84) Prphet declaring Ibn umar as righteous. Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar Once Allahs Apostle said, Amongst the trees there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is like a Muslim, tell me the name of that tree. Everybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas and I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy (to answer). The others asked, O Allahs Apostle! inform us of it. He replied, it is the date-palm tree I told my father what had come to my mind and on that he said, Had you said it I would have preferred it to such and such a thing that I might possess. (Sahih Bukhari V1:H133) Schlours says, when Prophet impose this question, among them were present high status and matured sahabas. But Ibn umar was young in them and still answered in mind. Narrated by Ibn Umar ... Once I wished to see a dream and narrate it to the Prophet I was young, unmarried, and used to sleep in the Mosque during the lifetime of the Prophet. I dreamt that two angels took me and went away with me towards the (Hell) Fire which looked like a well with the inside walls built up, and had two side-walls like those of a well. There I saw some people in it whom I knew. I started saying, I seek Refuge with Allah from the (Hell) Fire, I seek Refuge with Allah from the (Hell) Fire. Then another angel met the other two and said to me, Do not be afraid. I narrated my dream to Hafsa who, in her turn, narrated it to the Prophet. He said, What an excellent man Abdullah is if he only observes the night prayer. (Salem, a sub-narrator said, Abdullah used not to sleep at night but very little hence forward.(Sahih Bukhari V5:83) Here, Prophet praises Ibn umar again and referring to perform Tahajud prayers. Narrated by Ibn Umar I saw in a dream a piece of silken cloth in my hand, and in whatever direction in Paradise I waved it, it flew, carrying me there. I narrated this (dream) to (my sister) Hafsa and she told it to the Prophet who said, (to Hafsa), Indeed, your brother is a righteous man, or, Indeed, Abdullah is a righteous man. (Sahih Bukhari, V9:H143) Again glad tidings for Ibn umar (after commencing night prayers). Imam Bukhari in his Sahih complied several Ahadiths of Ibn umar. One of the Ahadith is of Rafadaien (raising hands before and after ruku). Schlours says, some sects including Hanafis rejects this Ahadith on the basis that, Ibn umar was young at that time. He dont know (understand) exactly, why Prophet was raising his hands or he thought (assume) Prophet was raising his hand. (Amazing) While Prophet has seen Ibn umar from childhood and given glad tidings of righteous man. And Ibn umar use to do rafadaein untill death reach him. (while each sect claims, they love/respect/obey sahabas a lot) Lesson from life of Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A) : Ibn Umar was as pious as his father. He was a very close follower of sunnah. Once Ibn umar was in intention to perform haj (tamattu). People came to him and informed that, your father umar object to wear Ihram for haj (tamattu) [due to some reason] but instruct us to perform haj (ifrad). Upon this, Ibn umar gave recorded message to people declaring, this religion (Deen) does not belongs to umars father [yeh deen ibn umar ke baap ka nahi hain] Ibn umar means to say, i (am) will follow only Prophets sunnah to perform haj (tamattu) and avoid others opinions. Another incidence when Ibn umars son, not allowed to go her wife to pray in masjid (in congrgation). Ibn umar said him, you cant stop her to go out for pray since, Prophet informed not to stop womens going to masjid (for salah). Ibn umars son replied? (we are not going to send them outside). Upon this Ibn umar got very angry and has not spoken to his son ever. (because his son has raised voiced on Ahadith of Prophet, may Allah forgive him). May Allah grant high ranks to- Abdullah Ibn umar in firdous (r.a). Ameen. Umar bin Al-Khattab fixed a grant of 4000 (Dirhams) for every Early Emigrant (i.e. Muhajir) and fixed a grant of 3500 (Dirhams) only for Ibn umar. Somebody said to umar, Ibn uamr is also one of the Early Emigrants; why do you give him less than four-thousand? umar replied, His parents took him with them when they migrated, so he was not like the one who had migrated by himself. (Sahih Bukhari, V5:H251)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 06:12:40 +0000

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