Umm... Week two, I think March 10, 2014 Wow! Mission life is - TopicsExpress


Umm... Week two, I think March 10, 2014 Wow! Mission life is so crazy and different. One day you are up and excited and ready to do it all. Then the next day, or even the next minute, you dont want to do anything. But its all good and so worth it! I have learned a lot! I love the people so much! Sister Graham and I have been teaching Mabel this week. She is native and smokes and has been an off and on investigator forever! Her sisters got baptized when she was 19 and she never has because she still smokes. She is in her 50s I think. So she has had this struggle for a little while now. We have been reading the Book of Mormon with her so she can gain a stronger testimony and have strength to stop smoking. She is way fun to teach, I love her. But I cant breathe in her apartment and she will never pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true. She refuses! But she came to church on Sunday and the Relief Society dinner. So she is progressing but not. I had exchanges this week so I went with Sister Boyd for the night. She is so funny! I love her. She is also from Utah! We had a blast together! She is so chill and it was way nice to have that break to recharge. It has been getting warmer here. I think it has been about 5C this week. We got two new investigators who are on date for baptism April 12,2014. Sabitri is Hindu but doesnt practice it, it is more of just cultural stuff. Her son goes to Catholic school and really wants to be baptized because he has learned so much about Jesus Christ at school. They are so open and ready to learn about Christ but she wont come to church yet. I guess in the Hindu culture, when you have a baby, the mother and baby are not suppose to go to a place of worship for SIX WHOLE MONTHS!!! She only had him a month ago!! That is going to be a problem. But she said she might try going in a few weeks, so hopefully that works out. We still have so much to teach her before she is actually ready. We have had some pretty solid potential investigators this week and a lot of them came from tracting on Sunday. Yesterday was way sweet because each person we talked with said we could come back again and teach them. They gave us all their contact information. Super awesome! Way solid potentials and two new investigators. It is a wife and husband. He says he is a Jehovahs Witness but he for sure is not practicing. So that was wonderful when we introduced the Book of Mormon. They were both soooo excited to get to read it and they loved talking with us about Jesus Christ. The wife kept on saying Jesus says Come follow me, so I follow him They speak French and have really broken English so it was so fun trying to figure out words hahaha. But is was sweet!!!! A great week, full a great people and experiences! I miss you all and love hearing from you! Write letters!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:00:26 +0000

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