Ummmm couldve swore I told you all last night!!!! Oh yes, that is - TopicsExpress


Ummmm couldve swore I told you all last night!!!! Oh yes, that is because I did... I most definitely did. Look these microcycstin are directly linked to irreversible liver disease and liver failure and guess what else? DING DING DING DING DING!!!! What will they get for possibly drinking or bathing or even looking at the water Bob? A new case of CANCER!!!!! Yes people!!!! CANCER!!!! You think Im playing????? Im not playing stop listening to the damn media and do the damn research for your damn self!!!!! GOOGLE DAMMIT!!!!!!! STOP BEING FRIGGIN BRAINWASHED THEY HAVE BEEN KNOWN ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So again as I said last night: OK....LISTEN PEOPLE, IF IT IS NOT OK TO INGEST OR WASH DISHES IN, IT IS NOT, I REPEAT IT IS NOT OK TO BATHE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR SKIN IS THE LARGEST ORGAN ON YOUR BODY PEOPLE!!!! AND I KNOW HOW MANY OF YOU ARE TAKING 1 SECOND COLD SHOWERS AND THAT NUMBER IS ZERO!!! THIS STUFF IS CONCENTRATED IN HEAT, AND GUESS WHAT? YOUR PORES ENLARGE AND OPEN WITH HEAT!!!! WOW I GUESS THEY DIDNT THINK SOME OF US WOULD USE COMMON SENSE NOW DID THEY!!!!!!! Now please take this warning!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:13:05 +0000

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