Un article intéressant d Elisabeth Gilbert. En anglais. No - TopicsExpress


Un article intéressant d Elisabeth Gilbert. En anglais. No decision that any of us make about our appearance makes us morally better or morally worse than any other woman. The scale of beauty in our world is vast and complicated and often politically, socially, and culturally confounding. At one extreme, you have the all-natural obsessives, who judge anybody who artificially alters her appearance in any manner whatsoever as vain and shallow. At the other of the scale are the extreme beauty junkies, who will do anything for an enhanced sense of beauty, and who judge everyone else as slovenly and drab. We all have to figure out where we land on that scale. Lipstick, but no hair dye? Legs shaved, but not arms? Hair processing, but no Brazilian wax? Short skirts but no bikini tops? Two-inch heels, but not five-inch heels? It all sends a message, and it all comes with complications. None of it is easy to figure out. And this is not even taking into account larger questions about religion, history, and cultural ethics. What looks like modesty on a woman in Rio de Janeiro looks like flagrancy in Salt Lake City. What looks like modesty in Salt Lake City is flagrancy in Cairo. What looks like modesty in Cairo is flagrancy in Riyadh. What looks like flagrancy to your grandmother looks like frumpiness to your teenager. What looks beautiful to me might look grotesque or even offensive to you.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:28:17 +0000

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