Un petit avant goût de mon script en cours : 26. INT/JOUR. - TopicsExpress


Un petit avant goût de mon script en cours : 26. INT/JOUR. SALLE DE CLASSE. ECOLE AMERICAINE Karim est assis au pupitre du professeur. Il ny a pas de bruit. En face de lui, une classe dune vingtaine délèves dont chacun est soit en train découter de la musique sur des écouteurs, soit en train de regarger des vidéos sur des portables derniers cris, ou alors en train décrire des textos ou de surfer sur leurs tablettes. KARIM (séclaircit la gorge) Ladies, gentlemen, may I have your attention please. Tous les élèves lèvent les yeux sur lui. KARIM As you could see online on the syllabus, this year we will be taking a whole new approach to litterature, we will be taping into unusual territories, exploring new authors, new thoughts, new directions. I hope youre all excited. Dès que Karim a terminé sa phrase, les élèves reviennent peu à peu à leurs appareils. Ignorant une fois de plus la présence de Karim au pupitre. Karim se lève, passe dans les rangées, prend la casquette dun élève et la fait passer pour récolter lensemble des appareils. KARIM Now that we have the matter of technology use in the class settled, we can get to business. Ill ask some of you to present oneself, where youre from and what you want to become. Student 1 Im Amine, Im from Casablanca, My dad is a pilot. KARIM What about your mom. student 2 She shops. KARIM Quiet. student 1 She stays at home. KARIM So what do you want to become? student 1 I want to be a pilot. Just like my dad. student 3 Daddys boy. KARIM (snaps at the class) Im gonna say it once, you keep your mouth shut when someone is talking. Or you wont be admitted in my class. Is that clear? La classe reste silencieuse. KARIM Is that clear? the class Yes sir. KARIM (Montrant student 2 du doigt) Your turn. student 2 Well, my dad is a foreign diplomat. And my mom is head of communication at Samsung. And I want to go far away. KARIM What do you mean? student 2 I just want to go. Anywhere. Far away. Travel the world I guess. This country sucks. KARIM Why do you say that? student 2 Have you been outside? I know how I am going to sound, but can you relate to the people outside? Because I cant. KARIM ... student 2 Youre going to ask me why, right? Karim acquiese de la tête. student 2 I dont know. Let me think. For one, theyre so bluntly stupid in the way they interract with eachother? Look how cabs drives, how people yell on the streets, how chaotic life is. KARIM Trust me. Its this very chaos, you will long for. The noise, the absurdity of behaviours, its organic, alive. student 2 Im not sure where youre going with that. But for the sake of argument, a shit is organic, alive but its still a shit. Toute la classe émet un long soupir. Certains élèves nosent regarder ailleurs que leur bureau. KARIM Fair enough. Carry on, what is youre next rational? student 2 Well I think that religion for one is dumbing people down. De lourdes clameurs sélèvent de la classe. Un élève se lève. student 4 Were in a muslim country. He is not supposed to say things like that. KARIM And were in an american school, and he is entitled to his freedom of speech. And in the future, try to understand what people have to say before going all taliban on their asses. Maybe youll have a better chance at changing their minds.Moving on. Where are you going with that, whats your name? Grant My name is Grant, sir. Grant Fisher. And Im merely saying that religion blinds people from the truth, making not ok behaviour, laxitude, lazyness, seem ok in the holly name of God, Allah, Yahvé or whatever. As long as you seem to be good and devoted, things are forgiven to you. You can walk around like your Mary queen of Scots, Jesus and Brangelina all rolled into one. KARIM That is a stong point. And this opposition beetween spirituality and appearances is precisely our first object of study. Grant There is no way you could have predicted where I was going. Besides, this not theology nor philosophy class, its american litterature. KARIM And we will be studying an american author. His name is Michael Mohammed Knight. And if you read the syllabus like you were supposed to, you would know that. Besides, if you dont wanna be read like an open book, dont leave obvious clues. Youre hair looks as its been drawed by Picasso which makes you an anticonformist wannabe, the anarchy reversed A in your shirt stands for... well, it stands for morron but morron who usually despise any authority, and God being the absolute form of authority. Even you can guess where Im going with that but anyway lets say I took a wild bet and leave it to that.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:05:50 +0000

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