Un trabajo de un amigo ruso que comparto aquí: - TopicsExpress


Un trabajo de un amigo ruso que comparto aquí: The Initiation of the North Pole (Sergey Teleguin) Hyperborea settled down on the most North Pole of the world, it was higher, than all existing on this planet. Its highest place was defined by its existence. Therefore it wasnt lost on fire (as Sodom and Gomorrah the corrupted southern Lemuria), it wasnt necessary to clear it fire. She stiffened in ices, froze, its purity stiffened and therefore remained inviolable, remained for us. Hyperborea I had to be lost and thanks to it I had to keep the purity. Her death — pledge of preservation of purity. In ices purity of Hyperborea remains. It was prepared for death and disappeared under ices, fell under water and went to Internal Earth, in great Side. Solar Hyperborea became caves of sides, Aryanem Vaedjo (Aryano-Vejo) turned into Vara. Arthur goes to Avalon, Cronus falls asleep in a cave. Heroes leave this perishing world and are settled on the Earth. Hyperborea has to be lost that her heroes came to our world and granted us true Revelation of the North Pole, laid the foundation for our civilization. After destruction of Hyperborea everything had to begin again, but already in ices. In ices frost-giants were born, from ice space person Ymir was born; and the Whole world was issued as wonderful creation of gods in space opposition of ice and fire, the North and the South, a pole and the equator, Hyperborea and Lemuria. In this space fight to the hero genetic memory of lost polar Paradise opens. Polar Ultima Thule had to be lost that in soul of everyone the Aryan arose noble melancholy — melancholy for the lost sacred homeland and desire to return to Hyperborea. This feeling lays down in a basis of great spiritual wandering, search, and is shown in Aryans mysteries, in their anthems and myths. The Nordic person as notices Miguel Serrano, possesses the myth about return to Hyperborea, to polar Thule in which there is an original place of an exit to primary source stars where, thanks to a spiritual and biological mutation semi-divine in divine, also as well as several animal-people in semi-divine beings, there has to be a return. And it had to happen to the help of strength of Vril, Hvareno. The melancholy for Hyperborea — is melancholy for integrity I, on the superperson allocated with space force and energy of Hvareno. Searches of Hyperborea — travel on circles of Eternal Return. But in these infinite circles Hyperborean’s gods lose reminiscence of the polar origin, their force Vril decreases, and Light of the North is darkened. Then they are embodied in gods and heroes on the new lands far from the Pole. In these gods already there is no pure whiteness of snow and light of ices. The sacred whiteness of the North is replaced by blackness of the South, the pole is replaced by the equator, Revelation of the Pole is darkened and on splinters of northern Hyperborea there is the western civilization of Atlantis. One only inescapable melancholy continues to pull the hero to the north, to the Pole. There, in ices to Thule, kings and heroes of Atlantis went to pass there all circles of dedication and to find divinity. The way of gods belongs to only hyperborean soldier, the hero, and conducts it to the Pole. The hero to return lost to Hyperborea, makes travel to the north, and there, in ice oases, there is its dedication in beams of the Black Sun of polar Midnight — in day of a winter solstice. Light extends only from the North. It is light of the Pole proceeding from the Black Sun of day of a winter solstice. It is light of transformation. Only there the hero can escape from circles of Eternal Return and find immovability, having risen precisely in a point of the North Pole. In this point and at this moment Hyperborea is found, but it isnt possessed yet. That finding happened alchemical Making has to be made: the black has to turn in white, and from the white has to be red. The hero has to find a Grail in the soul, and the island Thule has to rise from the waters which have absorbed it. The energy necessary for implementation of polar alchemy, is concentrated in the form of the Green Ray proceeding from a divine emerald, shining in the night sky — from a planet Venus. On this Ray once in the ancient time divine Teachers went down on our planet in the Vimana and created on the North Pole the civilization. The same Green Ray is necessary for the hero to awaken force Vril and to make alchemical action of transformation and individualization. This Ray has to wake the sleeping Cronus, Saturn, Arthur. The sleeping Cronus, god of time, means that its kingdom, Hyperborea, is out of time and, therefore, out of space — in eternity or in other time and space. Cronus waits for the awakening to return to the world the Golden Age and again to show polar Paradise. The myth of Hyperborea — the myth about return. Hyperborean mystery — melancholy for return to the Pole. Return of Hyperborea — Cronuss awakening and his exit from a deep Cave, from seven caves of Tulan, from Agartha to the Green Ray of the Renaissance. The polar Black Sun also is a window for the Green Ray. The way to Hyperborea — is the invisible Road of the Green Ray which stages are noted by dedication and transmutation stages. After completion of alchemical Making, after the Transformation and Renaissance act the hero has to understand that he is Hyperborea. Hyperborea — it is the Hero who sacrificed and has revived in ices of the Pole. Hyperborea always also was in it, only it is hidden, in rays of the Black Sun. But now, when the black turned in white and became red, it is open, shined with the Green Ray, again found in the Hero who only after that becomes to true Aryan. Therefore blood of heroes is closer to Hyperborea, than prayers of the sacred. In blood of the Hero there lives memory of the Black Sun, force Vril and a presentiment of the Green Ray. This Hero is seen by Cronus in the dreams of an ice Pole. While god sleeps, only the Hero continues fight in the dark nights for light of Hyperborea. Hyperborean god became a captive, it is ground in a cave. Only the Hero in dark beams of the Black Sun is capable to release it; only the Green Ray extorted by a planet Venus, is capable to awaken it; and only alchemical action is capable to revive it. To become Hyperborean, it isnt enough to be born Hyperborean, but it is necessary to give rise to Hyperborea in itself. For this purpose the Hero needs Initiation. He has to endure mystical Death to revive. The sacrament of light of the Black Sun demands that the Hero hanging on the Space Tree, became similar to great Odin — died and revived. At the moment of death to it black emptiness of the Exit to the polar Black Sun, and this Exit — the only way regenerating and becoming immortal will open. The way of Initiation conducts the hero through the Grave, through the North, through the Exit to the Pole. Hyperborean initiation — this purely mans, heroic dedication about which so wrote to Miguel Serrano: Mans, solar, Nordic dedication is individualistic and hierarchical as it as it was told, being based upon bases of the mans unions, is heroic. In this polar Initiation the Hero overcomes in himself all human and becomes something that above not only the person, but even god — the superman. The apogee of Hyperborean process of Initiation — the moment of flash of the Green Ray which shines soul of the Hero and changes it in the alchemical act. This Dedication restores that divinity of Hyperborean which was lost at the end of the Golden Age after loss of terrestrial polar Hyperborea. Return to a polar ancestral home — it not its revival or restoration, this its embodiment. Return to the absolute North also is pledge of an embodiment, the realization, new opening of this spiritual Center. The polar person thinks images and categories of the absolute North. The Indo-European who has lost this purity can dream of such return only. In this northern thinking the main thing — understanding of that the North it also is the Center (Pole). Northern lands — it isnt simple the future earth, it is the earth of future people, Hyperborean. The image not simply the North, namely Poles forms true transcendental Tradition. Mysticism of the Pole — in his stealthiest, not subjection to terrestrial laws, in its transcendence. On the Pole the world loses the stability, the certainty and other, divine laws start working. On the Pole the world of quantity passes to the quality world, and qualities of other, the highest, perfect and northern. Having realized itself as the Center and the Pole, the North reconciles contrasts and leaves out of their limits. The embodiment of polar Tradition removes contradictions between various religions as by origin all of them are only different branches of primordial polar Revelation. Disappearance of Hyperborea, as well as death of Balder — this presage and the initial stage of the Ragnarok, a twilight of the gods. However it is followed by revival of the Golden Age and return of Hyperborea. The senior Edda prophesies that the earth, green as rises before again from the sea; waters fall... . The younger Edda describes return of Hyperborea so: The earth, green and fine will rise from the sea. The fields which havent been sowed, become covered by shoots. Gods will lodge again to Idavoll where there was Asgard earlier, and finest of gods Balder will return from the world of the dead. Ragnarok — change of realities. The new world is created from the rest of former reality. This rest is that in former reality (which was lost) made alchemical transformation, a metamorphosis and became favorable for future reality (which it is created). The small rest which has escaped during an era Ragnarok, appears a seed bearing in a germ of future reality. In a field grass where Asgard earlier settled down, find fragments of the gold subjects belonging once to experts. These are fragments of the former Golden Age and seeds of future Golden Age. Change of realities is possible only because during an era of the former world to these remains there was a metamorphosis which has opened in them values of future world. It also will be return of Hyperborea.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:51:28 +0000

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