Unaccounted for funds in KZN increased from R3.59 BILLION IN THE - TopicsExpress


Unaccounted for funds in KZN increased from R3.59 BILLION IN THE PREVIOUS FINANCIAL YEAR TO R4.33 Billion in the current financial year. It is not millions, it is billions, what have you to say? Total overall unaccounted for funds in the country is R62 billion in the current financial year. Nobody feels any shame or disgust for their own behavior. The public itself does not feel any shame or disgust for corrupt governance. Why? It is because many who are even sitting on the network sites are benefitting from this corrupt behavior in the name of culture. Where are your voices. Our education departments lack funds for books, because money is going into someones pocket, same with Arts and Culture and Health. Look at the lavish lifestyles these people lead. They are using religion and language and eating into funds. The biggest culprits are with Health, Education and Arts and Culture who responsible for 93% of this unaccounted funds. The Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu reports that poor management and lack of regard to compliance to supply chain management and receipts. For years prior to all this i have been in touch with these auditors, i can safely tell you that nobody cares. This corruption has been going on for beyond 15 years. I even sat in Parliament, listening to people, the matters on the Agenda at times do not even go beyond the first two items. Many think because i do not project myself that i am an armchair critic. I do not post photos, etc. Each year the matter gets worse. Health department is dealing with hospitals etc. re pharmaceutical companies, and linen companies etc. Education re book suppliers etc, then you have Arts and Culture people are using and abusing funds willy nilly for projects etc and not complying with procedure. There is a gross disregard for public funds. Yet tax payers are forced to comply, to give this corrupt government, funds which they mismanage, despite Professional reports that clearly state otherwise. What are those people who are supposed to represent you in your areas have to say!! What are they doing??? We see them on the networking sites flaunting public funds, like it is their very own. Nepotism, corruption is the order of the day.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:09:29 +0000

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