Unapproved minutes of the Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Meeting of - TopicsExpress


Unapproved minutes of the Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Meeting of the Atchison Co. Commission Pursuant to the law the board met in Regular Session with Chairman Jeff Schuele calling the meeting to order at 1:00 pm with Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen was present. Henry W. Pohl was absent from the meeting. County Counselor Pat Henderson was also present at the meeting with County Clerk Pauline M Lee recorded the minutes. Board recited the pledge of allegiance. Board reviewed the minutes of December 9th, Commissioner Bodenhausen said that one correction was on the motion for amending budget and transferring money, the amount on law enforcement should be $22,520.62 and also his last name in paragraph was missed spelled, Commissioner Bodenhausen made the motion to approve with the above corrections, Chairman Schuele second and called for a vote, both voted aye, motion carried. 2-0. Committee reports – Commissioner Bodenhausen said that he attended the Lancaster City council meeting last week; they made a motion to approve the same level of support as they have been giving, and Commissioner Bodenhausen said that he went to Huron city council meeting last night but they did not have a meeting. Chairman Schuele said that they had a Solid waste meeting yesterday, they will need to make a change in the rooster of the Solid Waste Plan before submitting to the state, and they will be meeting for their next meeting January 2015. County Clerk Pauline Lee presented 2015 cereal malt beverage licenses for approval for Potter Country Store and Bakery, one for consumption on the premises and the other for unopened and in original containers, Commissioner Bodenhausen made a motion to approve the 2015 cereal Malt Beverage Licenses for Potter Country Store and Bakery and to have Chairman Schuele sign in behalf of the county, Chairman Schuele second and called for a vote, both voted aye, motion carried, 2-0. Pauline Lee, County Clerk also presented to the board the 4th quarter Management payment to USD #377 and AFAS on the sports complex, Commissioner Bodenhausen made a motion to approve the 4th quarter Sports Complex Management payment to USD #377 and AFAS, and to have Chairman Schuele to sign in behalf of the county, Chairman Schuele second and called for a vote, both voted aye, motion carried, 2-0. Board approved adds and abatements for personal property, real estate and special assessments. At 1:30 pm Brent Teters and Jay Watkins with Techs Inc to present year end general updates, Jay talked to the board about the ambulance vehicles, Commissioner Pohl said at the last meeting that trucks were falling through the cracks on maintenance, Jay said that he has run #2, #3 and #5 vehicles, did a front end alignment on Medic 2, replaced transmission fluid and serviced, service engine, front tires replaced, batteries and starter replaced, Medic 3, grill was replaced, exterior painted, alignment front end, and front tires replaced, Medic #5, scratches painted, alignment, front tires replaced and batteries replaced. They also told the board that they but a new key pad for station 2, replaced the cough with two new recliners and an end table, Brent also talked to the board about the heart monitors, They are getting closer to replacing them, they have decided to purchase the heart monitors for all of the services and will not be asking the board for any money, Commissioner Bodenhausen said that when Commissioner Pohl comes back they will have a discussion and if they have extra money would it be okay to purchase at least one heart monitor. Mr. Teters said it would be fine with them. Commissioner Bodenhausen made a motion to go into an executive session for five minutes on an attorney client privilege with County Counselor Pat Henderson and to come out at 2:20 pm, Chairman Schuele second and called for a vote, both voted aye, motion carried, 2-0. Board reopened at 2:20 pm with no decision made. Pat Henderson, County Counselor left the meeting at 2:25 pm. At 2:25 pm Sheriff Jack Laurie, Wes Lanter, Emergency Management Director and representatives of Motorola appeared to discuss the new radio system, Wes told the board that he attended the city council meetings, all cities voted yes to go with the same amount of sales tax except Huron City, which did not have a meeting this yet, Wes said that they were there to have commissioners sign the agreement, Commissioner Bodenhausen said that he wants to wait for Commissioner Pohl to come back, and he won’t sign until Bill comes back, will wait until December 23rd at 2:00 pm Matt Dorssom, Road and Bridge Superintendent appeared with a purchase order from Union Pacific Railroad on the Dalby Bridge Project for right of entry and the minimum is $2000.00, In order for KDOT to let the bridge everything needs to be done, Board approved request in the amount of $2000.00 to Union Pacific Railroad for a right of entry permit for the Dalby Bridge. Matt said that he will have quotes on fuel for the board to approve next time. Matt said he has a contract on the local bridge improvement contract, he gave to Pat Henderson, County Counselor to look over, it can wait until next week. Matt also told the board that he received a call from KDOT and the county will need to have re-inspected the bridge that the combine fell in, the estimated cost will be around $500.00. Matt also said 266th and Sherman Bridge that is on 2016 off system, need to get going on hiring an engineer, board told Matt to contact Cook Flatt and Strobel and Schwab Eaton and have them come to talk to the board on pricing. Matt also told the board that Doug Smith, Leavenworth County called and told him that they want to postpone doing the bridge on 206th and Rawlins until 2016, do not have the money in the budget until then. Board approved a request from the appraiser’s office for a scanner in the amount of $884.00. Board also approved the appraiser’s office to close their office on Monday, December 22nd from 12 pm til 1:30 pm for a staff lunch. Chase Brunick, Solid Waste Manager appeared and presented the board with minutes from the December 15th Solid Waste Committee meeting, Committee recommended extending the Martin Trash contract for picking up the containers at the Effingham site, Commissioner Bodenhausen made the motion to go with the recommendation made by the solid waste committee to extend the contract with Martin Trash, Chairman Schuele second and called for a vote, both voted aye, motion carried. Board approved an invoice from Kansas Association of Counties for 2015 KAC Member dues in the amount of $3,612.35. No further business appeared board adjourned the meeting at 3:30 pm . Attest: Pauline M Lee, County Clerk
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 20:23:38 +0000

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