Unbeknownst to her it is far more dangerous in terms of real - TopicsExpress


Unbeknownst to her it is far more dangerous in terms of real bodily harm to be critical of Islam or Muhammad at all, for the very Muslims whom she defends as not being extreme will threaten a person for denigrating Islam or Muhammad. Everyone knows this. So the bottom line is, its very dangerous to be critical of Islam or Muhammad at all, because by doing so many (mainstream) Muslims will want to do you (the kafir) harm or will at minimum attempt to murder your reputation. islam2But no need to take my word for it, just ask any of these brave souls, like author Salman Rushdie, author Robert Spencer, comedian Penn Jillette, actor Omar Sharif, Beatle Paul McCartney, television host David Letterman, coptic Christians across the Middle East, Pamela Geller, Brigitte Gabriel, author Nonie Darwish, Ibn Warraq, former terrorist Walid Shoebat, Raymond Ibrahim, Zuhdi Jasser, Daniel Pipes, Honor Diaries star Ayann Hirsi Ali, or, well, you get it, the list could go on and on. Speak ill of Islam or Muhammad and you just might find out how dangerous free speech really is and how peaceful and tolerant and supportive of the First Amendment Muslims really are. Perhaps liberals do get it but are simply too frightened by the realization that since they dont believe in the Second Amendment -- theyre pretty much like gold fish in a bowl, at a house party of cats. Remaining silent, through self-censorship is a pretty good game plan for them, for now. But, like the Nazis or the communists, eventually they will come for you too.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 20:38:39 +0000

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