Unbelievable: Obama Just Showed His Most Blatant Disregard For - TopicsExpress


Unbelievable: Obama Just Showed His Most Blatant Disregard For American Laws Yet No force on earth can stop us. Avatar of Norvell Rose Norvell Rose — October 3, 2014 Barack Obama seems to get most worked up not about ISIS, not about Ebola, not about problems plaguing the VA or the Secret Service…but when he’s in campaign mode — when he’s engaged in that kind of campaign-style activism and populist agitation that lets him pit one segment of the population against another. It’s when the President of the United States has another chance to pander for votes, to play to a receptive audience he can portray as victims or long-suffering servants to some societal injustice, that he really gets fired up. Savior to the oppressed, champion to the downtrodden, deliverer from the evil of greedy corporations or small-minded, hate-filled racists — these are the “hero” roles Barack Obama most relishes and that really gas up his theatrical engine. This was proven once again by his appearance before immigration activists at a gala Thursday hosted by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. CNSnews reports that Obama proudly boasted to the gathering in Washington, D.C. that he had ridden to the event with two illegal aliens — Obama calls them “dreamers” — that he hoped to soon make “legal” by issuing an executive order. “I want to give a special thanks to two young men who rode over with me from the White House tonight,” Obama said. “Luis and Victor are CHCI (Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute) interns and fellows. They are also dreamers, living and working in the country they call home, and making it a better place for all of us. Obama pledged to the enthusiastic audience that he is still committed to taking executive action to radically change the country’s immigration system, in spite of congressional resistance or constitutional restraint. And he strongly suggested — even speaking in Spanish — that such an executive order would mean greater voting power for those who support his position. “The clearest path to change is to change [the voter turnout] number,” said Obama “Si se puede, si votamos! Yes, we can, if we vote!” The Weekly Standard points out that Obama proclaimed that his ideals — his mission to make “dreamers” full-fledged members of the American family — conforms with the principles of the Founders. And the president made one of his most strongly worded and defiantly delivered vows yet about his intent to follow through with promises of amnesty after the midterms. “Each of us is called on to stand proudly for the values we believe in, and the future we seek. All of us have a chance to reach out and pull this country that we call home a little closer to its founding ideas. “That spirit is alive in America today, and with that spirit, no force on earth can stop us.” By the way, Obama made a special point of giving a shout-out to Nancy Pelosi, who was prominently in attendance at the Hispanic Caucus gala. Credit: whitehouse.gov Share This Story On Facebook Read more at westernjournalism/waitll-hear-obama-meant-vowed-force-earth-can-stop-us/#sBzVCjG28xdCoytE.99
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 21:08:54 +0000

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