Unbelievable Sun news Network printed a ridiculously long string - TopicsExpress


Unbelievable Sun news Network printed a ridiculously long string of lies by Ezra Levant in a pathetic attempt to trash my neighbours peaceful protests. Where does that douche get his nonsense about illegal fracking activities - arent there journalistic standards to print accurate facts? Surely there must legally be moral obligations preventing Sun news Network from such reckless endangerment to public safety and health by printing their misleading lies about fracking. Get a conscious Ezra; consider the health & well being of the hundreds of thousands of people in New Brunswick; and the millions of people all over North America who may now be drinking water containing toxic chemicals because youve lied & misled them. I have zero tolerance for people like Ezra who sell out, willingly hurting people in exchange for money. Murderers. Unborn babies, children born with genetic mutations, cancerous growths, tumours, infertility, and so much more harm comes from drinking carcinogens and consuming radioactive metals that fracking inevitably leaches through the ground and into in drinking water supplies. Removal of frackings toxic chemicals is not possible after they are in the water supply; that shits there irrevocably. We will all be affected. All because Something Like News Network cant give their papers away, let alone sell them, and they lowered there standards to below-ground level resorting to printing controversial lies to create news stories. Emphasis on the word STORIES - its fiction folks, you might as well be reading about a Walt Disney villain if youre getting info from Ezra. That fool tried to paint David Suzuki as a bad guy, lmao. (SEE: davidsuzuki.org/blogs/panther-lounge/2013/10/false-allegations-pollute-the-well-of-public-discourse/) Another Ezra #FAIL - Mr. Suzuki and the Suzuki Foundation have a solid history of providing top-quality research and protecting the environment. They recently sent an email revealing Ezras research skills to be so severely lacking they can only be explained as a deliberate attempt to slander. FYI: Ezra Levant is deeply involved in the business of promoting the oil industry, complete with a registered business façade he hides behind and website spewing bogus propaganda to deceive the public about the safety of developments he stands to financially gain from. Dude cant be trusted, he probably wouldnt even spit on you if you were on fire unless he was being paid. I look forward to the day that particular Network is completely bankrupt and goes under. In the meantime, do the human race a favour and leave reporting news to professional journalists. In contrast to Ezras footage intended to portray Natives in an unfavouring light, all his clip shows is his co-worker, Kris Sims was told off by one of my neighbours in the area and that she was told to get off their property. The footage accompanying Ezras fictional news story does not indicate in any way that Kris Sims was physically assaulted on the reserve. After seeing it, her reaction in another interview is laughable. Kris Sims has lost all credibility as a journalist now; perhaps she had none to begin with. Regardless, her career just died and I doubt anyone in the business will ever hire her. Thank you neighbour for telling liars trampling round here under the pretense of news coverage to Frack off! Members of news media are welcome in Moncton, but as for news media, kindly frack off and die. Your lies are not wanted and you are not welcome here. Suzanne Patles shared a video that gives an honest view of events. Take a look if you have a minute:
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 19:52:54 +0000

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